Kategorija:Škrbine o sesalcih
Ta kategorija je namenjena škrbinskim člankom o sesalcih. Slovenski Wikipediji lahko pomagate tako, da jih razširite. Članek dodate v kategorijo tako, da uporabite {{škrbina-sesalec}} namesto {{škrbina}} . |
Ta kategorija je skrita kategorija in ni prikazana v članku, če tega ne omogoči ustrezna uporabniška nastavitev. |
Vrh • 0–9 • A • B • C • Č • D • E • F • G • H • I • J • K • L • M • N • O • P • Q • R • S • Š • T • U • V • W • X • Y • Z • Ž
Prosimo, da uporabite eno izmed spodnjih škrbinskih predlog, za različne vrste sesalcev:
- {{afrotheria-stub}} for members of the Order Afrotheria
- {{bat-stub}} (or one of its sub-types - see Category:Bat stubs) for bats
- {{carnivora-stub}} for members of the Order Carnivora
- {{canid-stub}} for members of the dog family (Canidae)
- {{škrbina-pes}} za pasme psov
- {{feline-stub}} for the cat family
- {{paleo-carnivora-stub}} for prehistoric members of Order Carnivora
- {{canid-stub}} for members of the dog family (Canidae)
- {{eulipotyphla-stub}} for members of the Order Eulipotyphla
- {{erinaceidae-stub}} for members of the Order Erinaceidae
- {{shrew-stub}} for members of the shrew order (Soricidae)
- {{eventoedungulate-stub}} for members of the Order Artiodactyla
- {{cattle-stub}} for cattle
- {{goat-stub}} for goats
- {{pig-stub}} for pigs
- {{sheep-stub}} for sheep
- {{lagomorph-stub}} for members of the Order Lagomorpha (rabbits, hares, and pikas)
- {{marsupial-stub}} for marsupials
- {{oddtoedungulate-stub}} for odd-toed ungulates
- {{horse-stub}} for horses (not horseracing)
- {{paleo-oddtoedungulate-stub}} for prehistoric odd-toed ungulates
- {{paleo-mammal-stub}} for prehistoric mammals that don't fit into one of the other categories.
- {{primate-stub}} for primates
- {{rodent-stub}} (or one of its sub-types - see Category:Rodent stubs) for rodents
- {{soricomorpha-stub}} for members of the Order Soricomorpha
Strani v kategoriji »Škrbine o sesalcih«
Ta del kategorije vsebuje 197 naslednjih strani, od skupno 197.