Predloga:Infopolje Zgradba
![]() | Uporablja Lua: |
![]() | Ta predloga/e je trenutno zaščiten/a pred urejanjem. Glej politiko zaščite in dnevnik zaščite za več informacij. O morebitnih spremembah lahko razpravljate na pogovorni strani, oddate zahtevo za urejanje, ali zaprosite administratorja ali urejevalca predlog za dovoljenje za urejanje, če je nekontroverzno in podprto s soglasjem. Zaprosite lahko tudi za odstranjenje zaščite. |
Predloga za povzetek osnovnih podatkov o vseh vrstah zgradb.
{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=1.1]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{image_alt}}}|border|upright=1.1]] {{{image_caption}}} | |
Prejšnja imena | {{{former_names}}} |
Druga imena | {{{alternate_names}}} |
Etimologija | {{{etymology}}} |
Hotelska veriga | {{{hotel_chain}}} |
Rekordna višina | |
Najvišja na/v {{{highest_region}}} od {{{highest_start}}} do {{{highest_end}}}[I] | |
Predhodnik | {{{highest_prev}}} |
Naslednik | {{{highest_next}}} |
Splošni podatki | |
Status | {{{status}}} |
Tip | {{{building_type}}} |
Arhitekturni slog | {{{architectural_style}}} |
Klasifikacija | {{{classification}}} |
Lokacija | {{{location}}} |
Naslov | {{{address}}} |
Naselje | {{{location_city}}} |
Država | {{{location_country}}} |
Koordinati | 0°N 0°E / 0°N 0°E |
{{{grid_name}}} | {{{grid_position}}} |
Nadm. višina | {{{altitude}}} |
Trenutni najemniki | {{{current_tenants}}} |
Named for | {{{namesake}}} |
Začetek gradbenih del | {{{groundbreaking_date}}} |
Začetek gradnje | {{{start_date}}} |
Zaključek gradnje | {{{stop_date}}} |
Dograjeno | {{{topped_out_date}}} |
Dokončano | {{{completion_date}}} |
Odprto | {{{opened_date}}} |
Svečana otvoritev | {{{inauguration_date}}} |
Relocirano | {{{relocated_date}}} |
Prenovljeno | {{{renovation_date}}} |
Zaprto | {{{closing_date}}} |
Porušeno | {{{demolition_date}}} |
Cena | {{{cost}}} |
Cena prenove | {{{ren_cost}}} |
Naročnik | {{{client}}} |
Lastnik | {{{owner}}} |
Oskrbnik | {{{landlord}}} |
Zveza | {{{affiliation}}} |
Višina | |
Višina | {{{height}}} |
Arhitekturno | {{{architectural}}} |
Konica | {{{tip}}} |
Antena | {{{antenna_spire}}} |
Streha | {{{roof}}} |
Najvišje nadstropje | {{{top_floor}}} |
Observatorij | {{{observatory}}} |
Dimenzije | |
Premer | {{{diameter}}} |
Obseg | {{{circumference}}} |
Teža | {{{weight}}} |
Druge dimenzije | {{{other_dimensions}}} |
Tehnični podatki | |
Strukturni sistem | {{{structural_system}}} |
Material | {{{material}}} |
Velikost | {{{size}}} |
Št. nadstropij | {{{floor_count}}} |
Površina nadstropja | {{{floor_area}}} |
Število dvigal | {{{elevator_count}}} |
Površina območja | {{{grounds_area}}} |
Projektiranje in gradnja | |
Arhitekt | {{{architect}}} |
Arhitektni biro | {{{architecture_firm}}} |
Razvijalec | {{{developer}}} |
Inženir | {{{engineer}}} |
Strukturni inženir | {{{structural_engineer}}} |
Servisni inženir | {{{services_engineer}}} |
Gradbeni inženir | {{{civil_engineer}}} |
Drugi projektanti | {{{other_designers}}} |
Quantity surveyor | {{{quantity_surveyor}}} |
Glavni izvajalec | {{{main_contractor}}} |
Nagrade in priznanaja | {{{awards}}} |
Imenovanja | {{{designations}}} |
Znan po | {{{known_for}}} |
Ekipa za obnovitev | |
Arhitekt | {{{ren_architect}}} |
Podjetje za obnovo | {{{ren_firm}}} |
Inženir | {{{ren_engineer}}} |
Statik | {{{ren_str_engineer}}} |
Servisni inženir | {{{ren_serv_engineer}}} |
Gradbeni inženir | {{{ren_civ_engineer}}} |
Drugi projektanti | {{{ren_oth_designers}}} |
Quantity surveyor | {{{ren_qty_surveyor}}} |
Glavni izvajalec | {{{ren_contractor}}} |
Nagrade in priznanja | {{{ren_awards}}} |
Drugi podatki | |
Tip sedišč | {{{seating_type}}} |
Število sedišč | {{{seating_capacity}}} |
Število trgovin | {{{number_of_stores}}} |
Število sider | {{{number_of_anchors}}} |
Število sob | {{{number_of_rooms}}} |
Št. apartmajev | {{{number_of_suites}}} |
Št. restavracij | {{{number_of_restaurants}}} |
Število barov | {{{number_of_bars}}} |
Facilities | {{{facilities}}} |
Parkirišča | {{{parking}}} |
Public transit access | {{{public_transit}}} |
Spletna stran | |
{{{website}}} | |
{{{embedded}}} | |
Sklici | |
{{{references}}} | |
{{{footnotes}}} |
Brez logo_size ali image_size | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|frameless|alt={{{logo_alt}}}|upright=1.1]] {{{logo_caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|alt={{{image_alt}}}|border|upright=1.1]] {{{image_caption}}} |
{{Infopolje Zgradba | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | logo = | logo_size = | logo_alt = | logo_caption = | image = | image_size = | image_alt = <!-- ali |alt= --> | image_caption = <!-- ali |caption= --> | map_type = | map_alt = | map_dot_mark = | map_dot_label = | relief = | map_caption = | map_size = | coordinates = <!-- {{koord novi|latitude|longitude|type:landmark|display=inline,title}} --> | former_names = | alternate_names = | etymology = | status = | cancelled = | topped_out = | building_type = | architectural_style = | classification = | location = | address = | location_city = <!-- ali |location_town= --> | location_country = | grid_name = | grid_position = | altitude = | current_tenants = | namesake = | groundbreaking_date = | start_date = | stop_date = | topped_out_date = | completion_date = <!-- ali |est_completion= --> | opened_date = | inauguration_date = | relocated_date = | renovation_date = | closing_date = | demolition_date = <!-- ali |destruction_date= --> | cost = | ren_cost = | client = | owner = | landlord = <!-- ali |management= or |operator= or |governing_body= --> | affiliation = | height = | architectural = | tip = | antenna_spire = | roof = | top_floor = | observatory = | diameter = | circumference = | weight = | other_dimensions = | structural_system = | material = | size = | floor_count = | floor_area = | elevator_count = | grounds_area = | architect = | architecture_firm = | developer = | engineer = | structural_engineer = | services_engineer = | civil_engineer = | other_designers = | quantity_surveyor = | main_contractor = | awards = | designations = | known_for = | ren_architect = | ren_firm = | ren_engineer = | ren_str_engineer = | ren_serv_engineer = | ren_civ_engineer = | ren_oth_designers = | ren_qty_surveyor = | ren_contractor = | ren_awards = | parking = | public_transit = | website = <!-- {{URL|}} --> | embed = | embedded = | references = | footnotes = }}
Rekordna višina
| highest_prev = | highest_next = | highest_start = | highest_end = | highest_region = | highest_reflabel =
Hoteli, hostli,trgovski centri in prizorišča prireditev
- Hoteli in hostli
| hotel_chain = | number_of_rooms = <!-- or |number_of_units= --> | number_of_suites = | number_of_restaurants = | number_of_bars = | facilities =
- Trgovski centri
| number_of_stores = | number_of_anchors =
- Sedišča
| seating_type = | seating_capacity =
Uporabo kot child predloga
The embed parameter is used when embedding this infobox into another (see the Template:Infobox documentation which explains embedding and subboxes).
{{Infopolje ABC | name = | <!-- etc. --> | embedded = <!-- or module= --> {{Infopolje Zgradba | embed = yes | <!-- etc. --> }} }}
Vključevanje drugih predlog
The embedded parameter is used for embedding other templates into this infobox (see Wikipedia:Infobox modules).
{{Infopolje Zgradba | name = | <!-- etc. --> | embedded = {{Infobpolje ABC | embed = yes <!-- or child=yes or subbox=yes--> | <!-- etc. --> }} }}
Example 1
Palace of Justice of Brussels | |
![]() View from The Hotel Brussels (then Hilton) in 2009 | |
![]() | |
Splošni podatki | |
Arhitekturni slog | |
Naslov | Place Poelaert / Poelaertplein 1 |
Naselje | B-1000 City of Brussels, Brussels-Capital Region |
Država | Belgium |
Koordinati | 50°50′12″N 4°21′06″E / 50.83667°N 4.35167°E |
Trenutni najemniki | Belgian court |
Začetek gradnje | 31 October 1866 |
Svečana otvoritev | 15 October 1883 |
Cena | 45 million Belgian francs |
Naročnik | Belgian government |
Lastnik | Belgian government |
Višina | 104 m (341 ft) |
Dimenzije | |
Premer | 160 m × 150 m (520 ft × 490 ft) |
Tehnični podatki | |
Površina nadstropja | 26,000 m2 (279,86 sq ft) |
Projektiranje in gradnja | |
Arhitekt | Joseph Poelaert |
Drugi podatki | |
Public transit access | Metro: Louise/Louiza station, lines 2 and 6 Tram: Lines 92 and 94 |
{{Infopolje Zgradba | name = Palace of Justice of Brussels | native_name = {{native name|fr|Palais de Justice de Bruxelles}}<br />{{native name|nl|Justitiepaleis van Brussel}} | image = Palais de Justice from Hilton.jpg | caption = View from [[The Hotel Brussels]] (then Hilton) in 2009 | architectural_style = {{Flatlist| * [[Eclecticism|Eclectic]] * [[Neoclassical architecture|neoclassical]] }} | cost = 45 million [[Belgian franc]]s | address = {{lang|fr|Place Poelaert|italic=no}} / {{lang|nl|Poelaertplein|italic=no}} 1 | location_town = B-1000 [[City of Brussels]], [[Brussels|Brussels-Capital Region]] | location_country = [[Belgium]] | client = Belgian government | owner = [[Belgian federal government|Belgian government]] | current_tenants = Belgian court | coordinates = {{coord|50|50|12|N|4|21|06|E|type:landmark_region:BE|display=inline}} | start_date = {{start date|31 October 1866}} | inauguration_date = 15 October 1883 | height = {{convert|104|m|ft|abbr=on}} | diameter = {{convert|160|x|150|m|ft|abbr=on}} | floor_area = {{convert|26,000|m2|sqft|abbr=on}} | architect = [[Joseph Poelaert]] | public_transit = '''[[Brussels metro|Metro]]''': [[Louise/Louiza metro station|Louise/Louiza station]], lines [[Brussels Metro line 2|2]] and [[Brussels Metro line 6|6]]<br/>'''[[Trams in Brussels|Tram]]''': Lines 92 and 94 }}
Example 2: embedded templates
Deming Armory | |
![]() Deming Armory in 2009 | |
Prejšnja imena | State Armory |
Druga imena | Deming Luna Mimbres Museum |
Splošni podatki | |
Status | Used as a museum |
Tip | Government armory |
Arhitekturni slog | Castellated style |
Naslov | 301 South Silver Avenue |
Naselje | Deming, New Mexico |
Država | United States |
Nadm. višina | 4.337 ft (1.322 m) |
Trenutni najemniki | Deming Luna Mimbres Museum |
Začetek gradnje | 1915 |
Dokončano | 1916 |
Cena | US$17.500 |
Naročnik | United States Department of the Army |
Lastnik | Luna County Historical Society, Inc. (current) |
Dimenzije | |
Druge dimenzije | 50 ft (15 m) across x 132 ft (40 m) deep |
Tehnični podatki | |
Št. nadstropij | 2 |
Površina nadstropja | 14.000 sq ft (1.300 m2) |
Projektiranje in gradnja | |
Arhitekt | Henry C. Trost |
Arhitektni biro | Trost & Trost |
Glavni izvajalec | W. W. Barracks |
Drugi podatki | |
Public transit access | Deming ![]() |
Deming Armory | |
Napaka Lua v Modul:Location_map v vrstici 502: Navedena lokacijska karta ne obstaja. Niti "Modul:Location map/data/New Mexico" niti "Predloga:Lokacijska karta New Mexico" ne obstajata. | |
Koordinati | 32°15′58″N 107°45′29″W / 32.26611°N 107.75806°W |
Arhitekt | Henry C. Trost |
NRHP reference # | 83001624 |
NMSRCP # | 584 |
Pomembnejši datumi | |
Vpisano v NRHP | April 21, 1983 |
Razglasitev NMSRCP | January 20, 1978 |
{{Infopolje Zgradba | name = Deming Armory | image = Deming Luna Mimbres Museum.jpg | image_alt = The red-brick front facade of the Deming Armory | image_caption = Deming Armory in 2009 | former_names = State Armory | alternate_names = Deming Luna Mimbres Museum | status = Used as a museum | building_type = Government [[Armory (military)|armory]] | architectural_style = Castellated style | address = 301 South Silver Avenue | location_town = [[Deming, New Mexico]] | location_country = United States | altitude = {{convert|4337|ft|abbr=on}} | current_tenants = Deming Luna Mimbres Museum | start_date = {{start date|1915}} | completion_date = 1916 | cost = {{US$|17500}} | client = [[United States Department of the Army]] | owner = Luna County Historical Society, Inc. (current) | floor_count = 2 | floor_area = {{convert|14000|sqft|abbr=on}} | other_dimensions = {{convert|50|ft}} across x {{convert|132|ft}} deep | architect = Henry C. Trost | architecture_firm = [[Trost & Trost]] | main_contractor = W. W. Barracks | public_transit = {{station link|Amtrak|Deming}} {{ric|Amtrak}} | embedded = {{Infobox NRHP | embed = yes | name = Deming Armory | coordinates = {{coord|32|15|58|N|107|45|29|W|type:landmark_region:US-NM|display=inline}} | locmapin = New Mexico | map_alt = Located in New Mexico, in the southwest portion of the state | map_caption = Location in New Mexico | architect = [[Henry C. Trost]] | refnum = 83001624 | added = April 21, 1983 | designated_other1 = N.M. State Register of Cultural Properties | designated_other1_date = January 20, 1978 | designated_other1_number = 584 | designated_other1_num_position = bottom }} }}
Field Name | Required | Description | Values |
name | yes | Name of building | wikitext |
native_name | no | Name of building in native language | wikitext |
native_name_lang | no | ISO 639-2 code | use ISO 639-2 code, e.g. "fr" for French. If there is more than one native name, in different languages, enter those names using {{lang}}, instead. |
etymology | no | Thing (event, person, etc.) the building was named after | |
status | no | useful to show the construction status of new buildings. The keywords to the right can be used to produce the appropriate status: |
image | no | Image of the building | filename |
image_size | no | The image width in pixels. If not specified, the image uses frameless with upright=1.1 which displays it at approximately 110% of the user's default thumbnail size (for most users the image will display at 240px; for logged-in users who have changed the setting at Special:Preferences the displayed image could range from 130px to 440px). See also: Module:InfoboxImage, WP:AUTOSIZE, WP:EIS, WP:IMGSIZE, and MOS:IMGSIZE | number (with or without "px") |
image_alt alt |
no | Alt text for image, see WP:ALT | text |
image_caption caption |
no | Caption for image | wikitext (can contain links) |
location | no | Location of the building | wikitext (can contain links), e.g., [[Joondalup, Western Australia]], [[Australia]], [[Las Vegas Strip]] |
address | no | Address of the building | The address can be different from the location, especially when it is only a mailing address and does not represent the actual physical location. Generally address should be used except when the location and address are different. |
location_town | no | Settlement where the building is located | wikitext (can contain links) |
location_country | no | Country where the building is located | wikitext (can contain links) |
coordinates | no | Geographic coordinates of location | See map and coordinates for details |
groundbreaking_date | no | Date of the formal ground breaking, if any | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
start_date | no | Date building construction started | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
stop_date | no | Date building construction stopped or halted | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
completion_date | no | Completion date of construction if know | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
opened_date | no | Date of opening | E.g.; {{Start date|2007|01|25}} |
relocated_date | no | Date of relocation | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
inauguration_date | no | Inauguration date if know | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
demolition_date | no | Date building was demolished | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
destruction_date | no | Date building was destroyed, generally by a natural event or war | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
cancelled_date | no | Date construction was cancelled | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
cancelled | no | Was the construction cancelled | yes, will set the status if no other status specified |
topped_out_date | no | Date building reached final height | E.g.; 25 January 2007 |
topped_out | no | Was the final height reached | yes, will set the status if no other status specified |
architect | no | Name of original architect | wikitext (can contain links) |
landlord | no | Name of current landlord | wikitext (can contain links) |
owner | no | Name(s) of current owner(s) | wikitext (can contain links) |
cost | no | Construction cost | wikitext (can contain links) |
height | no | Generic height parameter | For best practice, use {{convert}} in this field. |
architectural | no | CTBUH height to the top of the building | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
tip | no | CTBUH height to the tip of the building | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
top_floor | no | CTBUH height to the floor level of the highest floor | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
roof | no | CTBUH height to the top of the roof | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
observatory | no | Height of observation deck | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
antenna_spire | no | Height of highest point of antenna tower | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
floor_area | no | Gross floor area of the building, expressed as a numerical value | For best practice, use {{convert}}. |
floor_count | no | Number of floors expressed as a numerical value | |
seating_type | no | ||
seating_capacity | no | Numbers of seats available | |
grounds_area | no | Area of associated land, in hectares, square metres or equivalent. Use {{Convert}} if appropriate | |
awards | no | Listed awards should meet the notability criteria for its own non-redirect article in the English Wikipedia. Red-linked entries are acceptable if the award's notability is verifiable, and it is reasonable to expect an article could be forthcoming in the future. This standard prevents the infobox award section from becoming an indiscriminate list. | |
ren_awards | no | Listed renovation awards should meet the notability criteria for its own non-redirect article in the English Wikipedia. Red-linked entries are acceptable if the award's notability is verifiable, and it is reasonable to expect an article could be forthcoming in the future. This standard prevents the infobox award section from becoming an indiscriminate list. | |
parking | no | Information on the building's own parking facilities (e.g. number of spaces or lots). Do not use for nearby parking unassociated with the building itself. | |
public_transit | no | Information on nearby public transit options | |
website | no | Website for building | {{URL|}} |
embed | no | Embed this infobox into another by using embed=yes | |
embedded | no | Other templates to be embedded in this infobox. Templates with such capability include {{Designation list}} and {{Infobox NRHP}}. | the code of the embedded template |
references | no | Footnotes and citations for information within infobox | wikitext (can contain links) |
Notes: Do not link to the same article more than once in the infobox. | |||
highest_region | no | ||
highest_reflabel | no | Override the default reference label 'talleststatus', pointing to the reference marked with {{note label|thatlabel}}. | |
highest_prev | no | ||
highest_start | no | ||
highest_end | no | ||
highest_next | no |
Height parameters
The following parameters are provided for the height of buildings. They include parameters corresponding to methods used by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) to measure the height of tall buildings. CTBUH heights are measured from the level of the lowest, significant, open-air, pedestrian entrance of the building.
Specify |height=
with no other height-related parameters, or leave |height=
blank and fill in one or more of the other parameters below. Use of |height=
along with one of the other parameters below will place the page in kat:Pages using infobox building with parameter errors.
Parameter | Description |
height | Generic height parameter |
architectural | (CTBUH) Height to the top of the building, inclusive of spires but excluding items such as flagpoles and antennae. This is the most commonly cited CTBUH measurement. |
tip | (CTBUH) Height to the highest point of the building, including antennae, flagpoles, and technical equipment. |
top_floor | (CTBUH) Height to the floor level of the highest floor that is occupied by building users on a consistent basis. |
roof | (CTBUH) Height to top of roof. This category was removed from CTBUH criteria in 2009, but is included for historical data. |
observatory | Height of observation deck. |
antenna_spire | Height of the highest point of structures such as antenna towers. |
Zemljevidi in koordinate
Lokacijske karte
The coordinates=
parameter is used to display coordinates in the infobox, and optionally at the top of the page; use the {{koord novi}} template.
- The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 or ISO 3166-2 region code can often be determined automatically, based on the
{{Infopolje Zgradba ... | coordinates = <!-- Use the {{Koord novi}} template. --> | map_type = <!-- Location name used for Template:Location map --> | map_alt = <!-- Alternative text for map image, see WP:ALT for details --> | map_caption = <!-- Text to be displayed below map; for no caption enter "map_caption="; if the parameter is omitted then the caption will be "Marker text (location map name)" --> | relief = <!-- Any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available. --> | map_dot_label = <!-- Text to display on the map --> | map_dot_mark = <!-- Pin color for use on the map --> ... }}
Map type
A list of templates containing maps that may be used can be found at:
A list of modules containing maps that may be used can be found at:
Mapframe maps
A Mapframe map is automatically included if:
- There are coordinates specified on the page's Wikidata item (or the item specified in
) - It has not been turned off by setting
- Other map types have not been used (
not used)
The following optional parameters can be used to adjust the map
- Basic parameters:
- mapframe – Specify yes or no to show or hide the map, overriding the default. Default: see above
- mapframe-caption – Caption for the map. Default: blank (or if
is set, "Location in geomask's label") - mapframe-custom – Use a custom map instead of the automatic mapframe. Specify either a
template, or another template that generates a mapframe map, or an image name. If used, the subsequent mapframe parameters will be ignored. Default: not specified - mapframe-id or id or qid – Id (Q-number) of Wikidata item to use. Default: item for current page
- mapframe-coordinates or mapframe-coord or coordinates or coord – Coordinates to use, instead of any on Wikidata. Use the {{Coord}} template, e.g.
. Default: coordinates from Wikidata{{Coord|12.34|N|56.78|E}}
- mapframe-wikidata – Set to
to show shape/line features from the wikidata item, if any, when|coord=
is set. Default: not specified
- Customise which features are displayed:
- mapframe-shape – Turn off display of shape feature by setting to
. Use an inverse shape (geomask) instead of a regular shape by setting toinverse
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for država (P17),P131
for je v (P131)). Default: not specified - mapframe-switcher – set to
to enable Template:Switcher-style switching between multiple mapframes. Default: not specifiedauto
– switch geomasks found in kraj (P276) and je v (P131) statements on the page's Wikidata item, searching recursively. E.g. an item's city, that city's state, and that state's country.geomasks
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- Can also be set to
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- Can also be set to
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- mapframe-zoom – Set the zoom level, from "1" to "18", to used if the zoom level cannot be determined automatically from object length or area. Default: 13
- mapframe-length_km or mapframe-length_mi or mapframe-area_km2 or mapframe-area_mi2 – Determine zoom level by passing in object's length (in kilometres or miles) or area (in square kilometres or square miles). Default: not specified
- mapframe-frame-coordinates or mapframe-frame-coord – Alternate latitude and longitude coordinates for initial placement of map, using {{coord}}. Default: derived from item coordinates
Mapframe maps
A Mapframe map is automatically included if:
- There are coordinates specified on the page's Wikidata item (or the item specified in
) - It has not been turned off by setting
The following optional parameters can then be used to adjust the map
zoom level (default is 13)|mapframe-width=
for the map size (defaults are 270 and 200)|mapframe-marker=
for the marker icon (default is no marker icon)- either
for the marker colour (hex triplet, default is#5E74F3
) |mapframe-caption=
caption below the map|mapframe-lat=
) – alternate initial latitude and longitude for the map, instead of the building's coordinates. Specify as a decimal number.
Template Data
TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Glejte mesečno poročilo o uporabi parametrov za to predlogo.
TemplateData za Infopolje Zgradba This template may be used to summarise information about a building. See template documentation for more information.
HTML-koda, ki jo sestavi ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča strojno razčlenjevanje imen in naslovov, na primer za katalogiziranje člankov ali vključevanje podatkov o subjektu v adresar.
Znotraj hCarda mikroformat Geo, ki omogoča še strojno razčlenjevanje koordinat (zemljepisna širina in dolžina), zato jih je denimo možno preveriti na digitalnem zemljevidu ali spraviti v GPS-napravo.
Če opisujete kraj, ki ima datum ustanovitve oz. odprtja, uporabite {{Start date}}. Če ima spletno stran, uporabite {{URL}}.
Hcard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- adr
- agent
- category
- county-name
- extended-address
- fn
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Geo je produkt klica predloge {{koord}} in uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- geo
- latitude
- longitude
Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranjujte teh razredov.
Ob podajanju koordinat se prosimo izogibajte pretirani natančnosti.