Predloga:Infopolje Kastrum
[uredi kodo]{{Infopolje Kastrum | image = | name = | alt_names = | known_as = | built_during_reign_of = | founded = | abandoned = | attested_by = | previous_fortification = | type = | robust_struct_material = | robust_struct_built_during_reign_of = | robust_struct_built = | robust_struct_abandoned= | robust_struct_dim1 = | robust_struct_dim2 = | robust_struct_area = | robust_struct_shape = | robust_struct_thickness= | robust_struct_technique= | robust_struct_towers = | weak_struct_material = | weak_struct_built_during_reign_of = | weak_struct_built = | weak_struct_abandoned = | weak_struct_dim1 = | weak_struct_dim2 = | weak_struct_area = | weak_struct_shape = | weak_struct_thickness = | weak_struct_technique = | weak_struct_towers = | commanders = | legions = | cohorts = | alae = | classis = | numberi = | events = | province = | capital_of = | admin_unit_1 = | admin_unit_2 = | limes = | nearby_water = | links = | latitude = | longitude = | latd = | latm = | lats = | latNS = | longd = | longm = | longs = | longEW = | altitude_m = | altitude_ref = | map = <!-- Ime lokacije, kot za Predloga:Lokacijska karta --> | map_alt = <!-- Alternativno besedilo za zemljevid --> | map_caption = <!-- Napis pod zemljevidom, prepiše privzetega --> | map_size = <!-- Širina zemljevida, prepiše privzeto širino 250 pikslov --> | map_relief = <!-- Katerakoli vrednost za nadomestitev praznega zemljevida --> | place_name = | location_town = | location_county = | location_state = | location_country = | iso_region = | ref:UK:OSNG = | ref:RO:LMI = | ref:RO:RAN = | ref:UNESCO = | coins_found = | discovery_year = | condition = | controlled_by = | excavations = | archaeologists = | exhibitions = | website = | notes = | commons = <!-- katerakoli vrednost za prikaz povezave na Wikimedijino zbirko --> }}
[uredi kodo]![]() | |
![]() terme | |
Druga imena | Patavissa, Patabissa, Patauissa, Patrouissa, Patreuissa |
Ustanovljen za časa vladanja | Trajan |
Ustanovljen | ok. 106 n.št. |
Opuščen | ok. 4.-5. stol. n.št. |
Izpričan v | Tabula Peutingeriana |
Predhodna fortifikacija | dačanska |
Lega v rimskem svetu | |
Rimska provinca | Dakija |
Administrativna enota | Dacia Porolissensis |
Administrativna enota | Dacia Superior |
Neposredno povezan s/z | |
Struktura | |
— Kamnita struktura — | |
Zgrajena | 168 n.št. |
Velikost | 573 m x 408 m (23,37 ha) |
Oblika | kvadratna |
Stacionirane vojaške enote | |
— Legije — | |
V. legija Macedonica (168 n.št. - 274 n.št.) | |
Lega | |
Krajevno ime | Dealul cetății |
Naselje | Turda |
Okraj | Cluj |
Regija | Transilvanija |
Država | ![]() |
Reference | |
RO-LMI | CJ-I-s-A-07208 |
RO-RAN | 52268.01 |
Opombe o najdišču | |
Priznanje | ![]() |
Stanje | porušen |
Razstave | Muzeul de Istorie Turda |
![]() | Castra Potaissa |
{{Infopolje Kastrum | name = Castra Potaissa | image = 2006 0602TurdaPotaissaBath0109.jpg | caption = terme | alt_names = Patavissa, Patabissa, Patauissa, Patrouissa, Patreuissa | built_during_reign_of = [[Trajan]] | founded = ok. 106 n.št. | abandoned = ok. 4.-5. stol. n.št. | attested_by = [[Tabula Peutingeriana]] | previous_fortification = [[Dačani|dačanska]] | type = | robust_struct_material = Kamnita | robust_struct_built_during_reign_of = | robust_struct_built = [[168]] n.št. | robust_struct_abandoned= | robust_struct_dim1 = 573 | robust_struct_dim2 = 408 | robust_struct_area = 23.37 | robust_struct_shape = kvadratna | robust_struct_thickness= | robust_struct_technique= | robust_struct_towers = | weak_struct_material = | weak_struct_built_during_reign_of = | weak_struct_built = | weak_struct_abandoned = | weak_struct_dim1 = | weak_struct_dim2 = | weak_struct_area = | weak_struct_shape = | weak_struct_thickness = | weak_struct_technique = | weak_struct_towers = | commanders = | legions = [[V. legija Macedonica]] (168 n.št. - [[274]] n.št.) | cohorts = | alae = | numeri = | events = | province = [[Rimska Dakija|Dakija]] | admin_unit_1 = [[Dacia Superior]] | admin_unit_2 = [[Dacia Porolissensis]] | limes = | links = {{flatlist| * [[Castrum Clus|Clus]] * [[Castrum of Colțești|(Colțești)]] * [[Castrum of Războieni-Cetate|(Războieni-Cetate)]] * [[Castrum of Sânpaul|(Sânpaul)]] }} | latitude = | longitude = | latd = 46 | latm = 34 | lats = 13 | latNS = N | longd = 23 | longm = 46 | longs = 21 | longEW = E | altitude_m = | map = Romunija | place_name = Dealul cetății | location_town = [[Turda]] | location_county = [[Cluj]] | location_region = [[Transilvanija]] | location_state = | location_country = {{ROU}} | iso_region = | ref:UK:OSNG = | ref:RO:LMI = CJ-I-s-A-07208 | ref:RO:RAN = 52268.01 | discovery_year = | condition = porušen | controlled_by = | excavations = | archaeologists = | exhibitions = Muzeul de Istorie Turda | website = | notes = | commons = da }}