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Gastroenteritis: Razlika med redakcijama

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Redakcija: 10:28, 1. marec 2015

Virusi gastroenteritisa: A = rotavirus, B = adenovirus, C = Norovirus in D = Astrovirus. Delce virusov so prikazani z isto povečavo, da je mogoče primerjati njih velikosti.
Specialnostgastroenterologija uredi v wikpodatkih
Simptomibruhanje, driska, slabost, vročina, bolečina v trebuhu, zgaga, spazem, izsušitev, krči v trebuhu uredi v wikpodatkih
Klasifikacija in zunanji viri
MKB-10A02.0, A08, A09, J10.8, J11.8, K52
MKB-9008.8 009.0, 009.1, 558
MedlinePlus000252 000254

Gastroenteritis ali nalezljiva driska je zdravstveno stanje zaradi vnetja ("-itis")v prebavil, v katerega sta vpletena želodec ("gastro" -) in tanko črevo ("Entero "-). Povzroča kombinacijo znakov, kot so driska, bruhanje ter bolečine in krči v trebuhu.[1] Kot posledica se lahko pojavi dehidracija. Gastroenteritisu pravijo po domače tudi gastro ali pa želodčni virus. Čeprav ni povezan z gripo, ga pogosto imenujejo trebušna gripa, ali pa želodčna gripa.

V svetovnem merilu večino primerov pri otrocih povzročajo rotavirusi.[2] Pri odraslih sta pogostejša norovirus[3] in Campylobacter[4] kot vzrok bolezni. Manj pogosti vzrokiso med drugim druge bakterije (ali njihovi strupi) in paraziti. Do prenosa lahko pride zaradi uživanja nepravilno pripravljenih živil ali onesnažene vode ali zaradi neposrednega stika z osebo, ki je kužna. Preprečuje se med drugim z rabo sveže vode, rednim umivanjem rok in z dojenjem, zlasti na območjih, kjer je sanitarne razmere niso zadovoljive. Cepivo proti rotavirusom se priporoča za vse otroke.

Ključno za zdravljenje je,za prizadeto osebo, da dobiva dovolj tekočine. Za lažje do zmerne primere je to običajno mogoče doseči s pomočjo peroralne raztopine za rehidracijo (t.j. kombinacije vode, soli in sladkorja). Pri prizadetih otrocih, ki se jih doji, je priporočljivo z dojenjem nadaljevati. V hujših primerih so lahko potrebne intravenozne tekočine v ambulanti. Antibiotiki na splošno niso priporočljivi. Gastroenteritis se predvsem loteva otrok in ljudi v razvijajočem se svetu. Letno gre za tri do pet milijard obolenj in 1.4 milijonov smrti.

Znaki in simptomi

Tip 7 na Bristol karti stolic ka#e na drisko

Tipična znaka astroenteritisa sta driska in bruhanje,[5] manj pogosto le en ali drug znak.[1] Prisotni so lahko tudi krči trebuha.[1] Znaki in simptomi se običajno pojavijo 12-72 ur po okužbi s povzročiteljem.[6] Če gre za virusni izvor, bolezen običajno v enem tednu mine.[5] Nekatere oblike bolezni virusnega izvora se lahko tudi kažejo z vročino utrujenostjo, glavobolom in bolečimi mišicami.[5] Če gre za kri v blatu, so vzrok manj verjetno virusi[5] in bolj verjetno bakterije.[7] Nekatere oblike okužbe z bakterijami spremljajo hude bolečine v trebuhu, pri tem lahko trajajo tudi več tednov.[7]

Otroci, okuženi z rotavirusi, ponavadi popolnoma okrevajo v treh do osmih dneh.[8] V revnih državah pa za zdravljenje hudih okužb dostikrat ni možnosti, tako da je vztrajna driska pogosto prisotna. [9] Dehidracija je pogosten zaplet pri driski,[10] in otrok z visoko stopnjo dehidracije ima lahko podaljšano kapilarno polnjenje, slab turgor kože, in nenormalno dihanje.[11] Ponovne okužbe je običajno videti na območjih s slabim sanitarijami, posledica so podhranjenost,[6] zavrta rast in dolgoročne kognitivne kasnitve.[12]

Kot posledica okužb z vrsto Campylobacter se pri 1 % obolelih pojavi reaktivni artritis, pri 0,1 % pa sindrom Guillain-Barre.[7] Hemolitični uremični sindrom (HUS) je lahko posledica okužbe z bakterijami vrste Escherichia coli ali Shigella , ki tvorijo toksin Shiga toxin in povzročajo nizko število trombocitov, slabo delovanje ledvic in nizko število rdečih krvnih celic (zaradi njih razkroja).[13] Otroci so bolj kot odrasli ogroženi od HUS.[12] Nekatere virusne okužbe lahko povzročijo benigne infantilne napade.[1]


Virusi (zlasti rotavirus) in bakterije vrste Escherichia coli in Campylobacter so glavni vzroki za gastroenteritis.[6][14] Obstaja pa še veliko drugih kužnih agentov, ki lahko ta sindrom povzročijo.[12] Občasno je videti ne-kužne vzroke, ki pa so manj verjetni, kot pa virusi in bakterije.[1] Nevarnost okužbe je večja pri otrocih, zaradi njihove pomanjkljive imunitete in relativno slabe higiene.[1]


Za rotavirus, norvirus, adenovirus, in [astrovirus]] se ve, da povzročajo virusni gastroenteritis.[5][15] Najpogostejši vzrok gastroenteritisa pri otrocih je rotavirus,[14] in pogostnosti obolenja v razvitem in nerazvitem svetu sta si podobni.[8] Virusi povzročajo približno 70% epizod nalezljive driske v pediatrični starostni skupini.[16] Rotavirus je zaradi pridobljene imunosti manj pogosto vzrok bolezni pri odraslih.[17] Norvirus je vzrok v približno 18 % vseh primerov.[18]

Norvirus je vodilni vzrok gastroenteritisa med odraslimi v Ameriki, kjer je vzrok za veö kot 90% izbruhov.[5] Do teh krajevno omejenih epidemij navadno pride, kadar je skupina ljudi prisiljena preživeti določen čas v tesnni fizični bližini, kot so to na primer potniške ladje,[5] bolnišnice ali restavracije.[1] Ljudje so lahko še dalje kužni tudi potem, ko je njih driske konec.[5] Norvirus je vzrok za približno 10 % primerov pri otrocih.[1]


Gram obarvani serovar Salmonella enterica Typhimurium (ATCC 14028), pod mikroskopom, 1000x

Campylobacter jejuni je v razvitem svetu glavni vzrok za bakterijski gastroenteritis, polovica teh primerov zaradi izpostavljenosti perutnini.[7] Pri otrocih so bakterije so vzrok v približno 15 % primerov, pri čemer so najbolj pogoste vrste Escherichia coli , Salmonella , Shigella in Campylobacter.[16] Če je hrana kontaminirana z bakterijami in ostane nekaj ur pri sobni temperaturi, se bakterije razmnožje in pri osebah, ki hrano zaužijejo, se tveganje za okužbo ustrezno poveča. [12] Nekatera živila, pogosto povezana z boleznijo, so med drugim surovo ali kuhano meso, perutnina, morski sadeži in jajca; surovi kalčki; nepasterizirano mleko in mehki siri; ter sadni in zelenjavni sokovi.[19] V državah v razvoju, še posebej v podsaharski Afriki in Aziji, je kolera pogosto vzrok za gastroenteritis. Ta okužba se običajno prenaša s kontaminirano vodo ali hrano.[20]

Strupe proizvajajoča Clostridium difficile , je pomemben vzrok za drisko, ki se pogosteje pojavlja pri starejših.[12] Otroci lahko nosijo te bakterije brez pojava simptomov.[12] Je pogosten vzrok za drisko pri osebah, ki so sprejete v bolnišnico, pogosto se navezuje na uporabo antibiotikov.[21] Staphylococcus aureus kot povzročitelj kužne drisske se lahko pojavijo tudi pri ljudeh, ki so jemali antibiotike.[22] "Driska na poti" je ponavadi ena od bakterijskih oblik gastroenteritisa. Zdravila, ki zbijajo kislino, zgleda povečujejo tveganje za občutne okužbe ob izpostavljenosti številnim organizmom, med drugim Clostridium difficile, Salmonelli' in Campylobacter.[23] Tveganje je pri jemanju zaviralcev protonske črpalke večje kot pri H2 antagonisti h.[23]


Številne praživali lahko povzročijo gastroenteritis - najpogosteje Giardia lamblia - pa tudi Entamoeba histolytica in Cryptosporidium sta že bili vpleteni.[16] Kot skupina so ti agenti krivi za okoli 10 % primerov pri otrocih.[13] Giardia se pojavlja pogosteje v državah v razvoju, vendar je ta povzročitelj bolezni do neke mere prisoten skoraj povsod.[24] Pojavlja se pogosteje pri osebah, ki se vračajo z območij z visoko prevalenco, pri otrokih, ki obiskujejo dnevno varstvo, pri moških, ki imajo spolne odnose z moškimi, in po nesrečah.[24]


Transmission may occur via consumption of contaminated water, or when people share personal objects.[6] In places with wet and dry seasons, water quality typically worsens during the wet season, and this correlates with the time of outbreaks.[6] In areas of the world with four seasons, infections are more common in the winter.[12] Bottle-feeding of babies with improperly sanitized bottles is a significant cause on a global scale.[6] Transmission rates are also related to poor hygiene, especially among children,[5] in crowded households,[25] and in those with pre-existing poor nutritional status.[12] After developing tolerance, adults may carry certain organisms without exhibiting signs or symptoms, and thus act as natural reservoirs of contagion.[12] While some agents (such as Shigella) only occur in primates, others may occur in a wide variety of animals (such as Giardia).[12]


There are a number of non-infectious causes of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.[1] Some of the more common include medications (like NSAIDs), certain foods such as lactose (in those who are intolerant), and gluten (in those with celiac disease). Crohn's disease is also a non-infection source of (often severe) gastroenteritis.[1] Disease secondary to toxins may also occur. Some food related conditions associated with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea include: ciguatera poisoning due to consumption of contaminated predatory fish, scombroid associated with the consumption of certain types of spoiled fish, tetrodotoxin poisoning from the consumption of puffer fish among others, and botulism typically due to improperly preserved food.[26]

In the United States, rates of emergency department use for noninfectious gastroenteritis dropped 30% from 2006 until 2011. Of the twenty most common conditions seen in the ED, rates of noninfectious gastroenteritis had the largest decrease in visits in that time period.[27]


Gastroenteritis is defined as vomiting or diarrhea due to infection of the small or large bowel.[12] Spremembe v tankem črevesu, so običajno ne-vnetnega znaöaja, na debelem črevesu pa gre za vnetne spremembe.[12] The number of pathogens required to cause an infection varies from as few as one (for Cryptosporidium) to as many as 108 (for Vibrio cholerae).[12]


Gastroenteritis is typically diagnosed clinically, based on a person's signs and symptoms.[5] Determining the exact cause is usually not needed as it does not alter management of the condition.[6] However, stool cultures should be performed in those with blood in the stool, those who might have been exposed to food poisoning, and those who have recently traveled to the developing world.[16] Diagnostic testing may also be done for surveillance.[5] As hypoglycemia occurs in approximately 10% of infants and young children, measuring serum glucose in this population is recommended.[11] Electrolytes and kidney function should also be checked when there is a concern about severe dehydration.[16]


A determination of whether or not the person has dehydration is an important part of the assessment, with dehydration typically divided into mild (3–5%), moderate (6–9%), and severe (≥10%) cases.[1] In children, the most accurate signs of moderate or severe dehydration are a prolonged capillary refill, poor skin turgor, and abnormal breathing.[11][28] Other useful findings (when used in combination) include sunken eyes, decreased activity, a lack of tears, and a dry mouth.[1] A normal urinary output and oral fluid intake is reassuring.[11] Laboratory testing is of little clinical benefit in determining the degree of dehydration.[1]

Diferencialna diagnoza

Other potential causes of signs and symptoms that mimic those seen in gastroenteritis that need to be ruled out include appendicitis, volvulus, inflammatory bowel disease, urinary tract infections, and diabetes mellitus.[16] Pancreatic insufficiency, short bowel syndrome, Whipple's disease, coeliac disease, and laxative abuse should also be considered.[29] The differential diagnosis can be complicated somewhat if the person exhibits only vomiting or diarrhea (rather than both).[1]

Appendicitis may present with vomiting, abdominal pain, and a small amount of diarrhea in up to 33% of cases.[1] This is in contrast to the large amount of diarrhea that is typical of gastroenteritis.[1] Infections of the lungs or urinary tract in children may also cause vomiting or diarrhea.[1] Classical diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) presents with abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting, but without diarrhea.[1] One study found that 17% of children with DKA were initially diagnosed as having gastroenteritis.[1]


Percentage of rotavirus tests with positive results, by surveillance week, United States, July 2000 – June 2009.

Življenjski slog

A supply of easily accessible uncontaminated water and good sanitation practices are important for reducing rates of infection and clinically significant gastroenteritis.[12] Personal measures (such as hand washing with soap) have been found to decrease incidence and prevalence rates of gastroenteritis in both the developing and developed world by as much as 30%.[11] Alcohol-based gels may also be effective.[11] Breastfeeding is important, especially in places with poor hygiene, as is improvement of hygiene generally.[6] Breast milk reduces both the frequency of infections and their duration.[1] Avoiding contaminated food or drink should also be effective.[30]


Due to both its effectiveness and safety, in 2009 the World Health Organization recommended that the rotavirus vaccine be offered to all children globally.[14][31] Two commercial rotavirus vaccines exist and several more are in development.[31] In Africa and Asia these vaccines reduced severe disease among infants[31] and countries that have put in place national immunization programs have seen a decline in the rates and severity of disease.[32][33] This vaccine may also prevent illness in non-vaccinated children by reducing the number of circulating infections.[34] Since 2000, the implementation of a rotavirus vaccination program in the United States has substantially decreased the number of cases of diarrhea by as much as 80 percent.[35][36][37] The first dose of vaccine should be given to infants between 6 and 15 weeks of age.[14] The oral cholera vaccine has been found to be 50–60% effective over 2 years.[38]


Gastroenteritis is usually an acute and self-limiting disease that does not require medication.[10] The preferred treatment in those with mild to moderate dehydration is oral rehydration therapy (ORT).[13] Metoclopramide and/or ondansetron, however, may be helpful in some children,[39] and butylscopolamine is useful in treating abdominal pain.[40]


The primary treatment of gastroenteritis in both children and adults is rehydration. This is preferably achieved by oral rehydration therapy, although intravenous delivery may be required if there is a decreased level of consciousness or if dehydration is severe.[41][42] Oral replacement therapy products made with complex carbohydrates (i.e. those made from wheat or rice) may be superior to those based on simple sugars.[43] Drinks especially high in simple sugars, such as soft drinks and fruit juices, are not recommended in children under 5 years of age as they may increase diarrhea.[10] Plain water may be used if more specific and effective ORT preparations are unavailable or are not palatable.[10] A nasogastric tube can be used in young children to administer fluids if warranted.[16]


It is recommended that breast-fed infants continue to be nursed in the usual fashion, and that formula-fed infants continue their formula immediately after rehydration with ORT.[44] Lactose-free or lactose-reduced formulas usually are not necessary.[44] Children should continue their usual diet during episodes of diarrhea with the exception that foods high in simple sugars should be avoided.[44] The BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and tea) is no longer recommended, as it contains insufficient nutrients and has no benefit over normal feeding.[44] Some probiotics have been shown to be beneficial in reducing both the duration of illness and the frequency of stools.[45][46] They may also be useful in preventing and treating antibiotic associated diarrhea.[47] Fermented milk products (such as yogurt) are similarly beneficial.[48] Zinc supplementation appears to be effective in both treating and preventing diarrhea among children in the developing world.[49]


Antiemetic medications may be helpful for treating vomiting in children. Ondansetron has some utility, with a single dose being associated with less need for intravenous fluids, fewer hospitalizations, and decreased vomiting.[50][51][52] Metoclopramide might also be helpful.[52] However, the use of ondansetron might possibly be linked to an increased rate of return to hospital in children.[53] The intravenous preparation of ondansetron may be given orally if clinical judgment warrants.[54] Dimenhydrinate, while reducing vomiting, does not appear to have a significant clinical benefit.[1]


Antibiotics are not usually used for gastroenteritis, although they are sometimes recommended if symptoms are particularly severe[55] or if a susceptible bacterial cause is isolated or suspected.[56] If antibiotics are to be employed, a macrolide (such as azithromycin) is preferred over a fluoroquinolone due to higher rates of resistance to the latter.[7] Pseudomembranous colitis, usually caused by antibiotic use, is managed by discontinuing the causative agent and treating it with either metronidazole or vancomycin.[57] Bacteria and protozoans that are amenable to treatment include Shigella[58] Salmonella typhi,[59] and Giardia species.[24] In those with Giardia species or Entamoeba histolytica, tinidazole treatment is recommended and superior to metronidazole.[24][60] The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of antibiotics in young children who have both bloody diarrhea and fever.[1]

Antimotility agents

Antimotility medication has a theoretical risk of causing complications, and although clinical experience has shown this to be unlikely,[29] these drugs are discouraged in people with bloody diarrhea or diarrhea that is complicated by fever.[61] Loperamide, an opioid analogue, is commonly used for the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea.[62] Loperamide is not recommended in children, however, as it may cross the immature blood–brain barrier and cause toxicity. Bismuth subsalicylate, an insoluble complex of trivalent bismuth and salicylate, can be used in mild to moderate cases,[29] but salicylate toxicity is theoretically possible.[1]


Disability-adjusted life year for diarrhea per 100,000 inhabitants in 2004.
  no data
  ≤less 500

It is estimated that three to five billion cases of gastroenteritis resulting in 1.4 million deaths occur globally on an annual basis,[13][63] with children and those in the developing world being primarily affected.[6] As of 2011, in those less than five, there were about 1.7 billion cases resulting in 0.7 million deaths,[64] with most of these occurring in the world's poorest nations.[12] More than 450,000 of these fatalities are due to rotavirus in children under 5 years of age.[65][66] Cholera causes about three to five million cases of disease and kills approximately 100,000 people yearly.[20] In the developing world children less than two years of age frequently get six or more infections a year that result in clinically significant gastroenteritis.[12] It is less common in adults, partly due to the development of acquired immunity.[5]

In 1980, gastroenteritis from all causes caused 4.6 million deaths in children, with the majority occurring in the developing world.[57] Death rates were reduced significantly (to approximately 1.5 million deaths annually) by the year 2000, largely due to the introduction and widespread use of oral rehydration therapy.[67] In the US, infections causing gastroenteritis are the second most common infection (after the common cold), and they result in between 200 and 375 million cases of acute diarrhea[5][12] and approximately ten thousand deaths annually,[12] with 150 to 300 of these deaths in children less than five years of age.[1]


The first usage of "gastroenteritis" was in 1825.[68] Before this time it was more specifically known as typhoid fever or "cholera morbus", among others, or less specifically as "griping of the guts", "surfeit", "flux", "colic", "bowel complaint", or any one of a number of other archaic names for acute diarrhea.[69]

Družba in kultura

Gastroenteritis is associated with many colloquial names, including "Montezuma's revenge", "Delhi belly", "la turista", and "back door sprint", among others.[12] It has played a role in many military campaigns and is believed to be the origin of the term "no guts no glory".[12]

Gastroenteritis is the main reason for 3.7 million visits to physicians a year in the United States[1] and 3 million visits in France.[70] In the United States gastroenteritis as a whole is believed to result in costs of 23 billion USD per year[71] with that due to rotavirus alone resulting in estimated costs of 1 billion USD a year.[1]


There are a number of vaccines against gastroenteritis in development. For example, vaccines against Shigella and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), two of the leading bacterial causes of gastroenteritis worldwide.[72][73]

Druge živali

Many of the same agents cause gastroenteritis in cats and dogs as in humans. The most common organisms are Campylobacter, Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, and Salmonella.[74] A large number of toxic plants may also cause symptoms.[75]

Some agents are more specific to a certain species. Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) occurs in pigs resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration.[76] It is believed to be introduced to pigs by wild birds and there is no specific treatment available.[77] It is not transmissible to humans.[78]


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