Uporabniški pogovor:Nicola Mitchell
Hvala za tvoje prispevke. Za začetek si oglej uvod in obišči vadnico. Če želiš, se lahko vpišeš na sezname Wikipedistov in na svoji uporabniški strani navedeš jezike, ki jih govoriš ter nekaj malega o sebi (od kod prihajaš, katera področja te zanimajo, in podobno). | |
Pri urejanju bodi pozoren/na na nekatera pravila in smernice:
Kot vodilo pri slogu in zgradbi članka ti je lahko kateri izmed izbranih člankov - člankov, ki spadajo med najboljše. Med njimi je lahko tudi tvoj! Preizkušanju urejanja je namenjen tvoj lastni peskovnik (ta je namenjen samo tebi in ga lahko uporabljaš brez skrbi, da bo vsebino kdo pobrisal). Na pogovornih straneh se tikamo in na koncu podpišemo, in sicer takole: --~~~~ ; če v tekst vstaviš ta dva vezaja in štiri »tilde«, se bodo po shranjevanju samodejno spremenili v podpis z datumom in uro vnosa. V člankih se ne podpisujemo. | |
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Če imaš še kakšno vprašanje:
Hello, I am not fluent in Slovenian. Could someone read the article in my Sandbox Nicola Mitchell/sandbox, and tell me if this translation from the English Wikipedia: Tin Can Cathedral is alright? I would be grateful for any help with language. Nicola Mitchell (pogovor) 23:16, 17. december 2014 (CET)
- Hi, sorry, but Google Translate (assuming you used that, as it looks like) is useful only for a very very rough understanding of the subject, and is nowhere near the Slovene language in grammar. "Tin Can Cathedral" would be something like "Katedrala iz pločevink" instead, but that's the least of this text's problems. It should be translated properly to begin with, you can ask for that by placing a link at Wikipedija:Želeni članki. — Yerpo Ha? 07:06, 18. december 2014 (CET)
Okay, thank you for reading it. I'll try to get a decent translation of it. Nicola Mitchell (pogovor) 12:48, 18. december 2014 (CET)
The new translation is in the main Slovenian Wikipedia. I would be grateful for any further help with language and content. Thank you. Nicola Mitchell (pogovor) 15:11, 24. oktober 2015 (CEST)
Namings [Genik]
[uredi kodo]Shuld we adopt his English/Canadian name [Cyril Genik], or we can stick with his native Ukrainian name [Кирило Іванович Геник]? If late, then we have to transliterate to Slovene something like Kiril (Ivanovič) Genik. --xJaM (pogovor) 05:01, 25. oktober 2015 (CET)
- Transliterating to the Slovene Kiril (Ivanovič) Genik sounds best to me. Thank you for helping. Nicola Mitchell (pogovor) 12:44, 25. oktober 2015 (CET)
Tin Can Cathedral - why (not)?
[uredi kodo]Dear Nicolaː I can assume that the subject is pretty dear to your heart. You will agree however, that it is probably far far down the list of subjects important to Slovenian (Bosnian, Italian, Islandian, Hungarian, Bokmal ... the list goes on and on and on) ... wikipedias. You have been counting on the good will of us all, and as far as I can see, you have been welcome everywhere. So far.
When some Slovenian John Doe (actually his name is Janez Novak;) happens to hit upon the Tin Can Cathedral, he will probably be looking for subjects like Metis, Red river (settlement, rebelion etc...), Louis Riel and hopefully (at the top of my list) for Slovenians in Canada. Here's a return favour you could doː suggesting useful Canadian sources on the subject of our diaspora would be appreciated. After all, an article on the Ukrainian Tin Cathedral in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada is fine, but an article on Marija Pomagaj, Manning ave, Missisauga for instance - or, broader, on Slovenian (church and other) communities in Canada - would make Slovenian wikipedia more balanced on the subjects and issues pertaining to Canada.
(added later) ... and of course, expanding the English/Canadian wikipedia with Slovenian subjects would not hurt at all. But then, Google translate translation is not the wæy to start it. Maybe slovenian summer schools for a kick-off;) Regards from a fellow Canadian SmozBleda (pogovor) 09:04, 5. december 2015 (CET)