![]() | Ta predloga/e je trenutno zaščiten/a pred urejanjem. Glej politiko zaščite in dnevnik zaščite za več informacij. O morebitnih spremembah lahko razpravljate na pogovorni strani, oddate zahtevo za urejanje, ali zaprosite administratorja ali urejevalca predlog za dovoljenje za urejanje, če je nekontroverzno in podprto s soglasjem. Zaprosite lahko tudi za odstranjenje zaščite. |
![]() | Predloga se uporablja na številnih straneh, zato bo vsaka njena sprememba takoj zelo opazna. Prosimo, da vse spremembe, ki jih želite uvesti, pred uvedbo preizkusite na podstraneh predloge (/peskovnik in /testniprimeri) ali na svojih lastnih podstraneh. Pred spreminjanjem te predloge se o želenih spremembah rajši pogovorite na pogovorni strani. |
![]() | V primeru, da nameravate spremeniti to predlogo, jo premakniti ali jo predlagati za izbris, o tem prosimo iz vljudnosti obvestite uporabnike in vzdrževalce Twinkla na pogovorni strani, saj se ta predloga uporablja v standardni namestitvi Twinkla. Hvala! |
![]() | Uporablja Lua: |
This is a general template for producing protection banners and padlock icons. It can be used with any protection reason, any protection action, and any protection level.
{{pp | 1 = reason | small = yes | action = action | date = protection date | user = username | section = talk page section name | category = no }}
All parameters are optional:
- 1 – The reason that the page was protected. If set, this must be one of the values listed in the reasons table.
- small – If set to "yes", "y", "1", or "true", a padlock icon is generated instead of a full protection banner.
- action – The protection action. Must be one of "edit" (for normal protection), "move" (for move-protection) or "autoreview" (for pending changes). The default value is "edit".
- date – The protection date. This must be valid input to the second parameter of the #time parser function. This argument only has an effect for the "office" and "reset" reasons.
- user – The username of the user to generate links for. As of July 2014, this only has an effect when the "usertalk" reason is specified.
- section – The section name of the protected page's talk page where discussion is taking place. This works for most, but not all, values of reason.
- category – Categories are suppressed if this is set to "no", "n", "0", or "false".
The following table contains the available reasons, plus the actions for which they are available.
Reason | Action | Description |
blp | edit | Za strani, zaščitene za spodbujanje skladnosti s politiko biografij živečih oseb |
dispute | edit | Za strani, zaščitene zaradi urejevalskih sporov |
dmca | edit | Za strani zaščitene s strani Fundacije Wikimedia zaradi Digital Millennium Copyright Act prošenj za odstranitev |
ecp | edit | Za članke na tematskih področjih, ki jih je odobril ArbCom ali izpolnjuje merila za uporabo v skupnosti |
mainpage | edit | Za strani, zaščitene, zaradi prikaza na glavni strani |
office | edit | Za strani zaščitene s strani Fundacije Wikimedia |
reset | edit | Za strani, zaščitene s strani Fundacije Wikimedia in "ponastavljene" na prazno različico |
sock | edit | Za strani zaščitene zaradi lutkarstva |
template | edit | Za visoko tvegane predloge in Lua module |
usertalk | edit | Za strani zaščitene zaradi motečih urejanj določenega uporabnika |
vandalism | edit | Za strani zaščitene proti vandalizmu |
dispute | move | Za strani zaščitene proti premikom strani zaradi prepirov o imenu strani |
vandalism | move | Za strani zaščitene proti vandalizmu pri prestavljanju strani |
Syntax examples
Padlock icons
Padlock icon for a page protected due to vandalism:
Padlock icon for a page temporarily protected due to editing disputes:
Banner for a page protected due to sockpuppetry, with a link to a talk page discussion:
{{pp|sock|section=Sockpuppetry concerns}}
Banner for a page temporarily move-protected due to page-move vandalism:
TemplateData za Zaščiteno
Produces banners to describe why a page is protected and padlock icons
Parameter | Opis | Vrsta | Stanje | |
Reason | 1 | Reason for protection, may be one of: blp, dispute, dmca, mainpage, office, reset, sock, template, usertalk, vandalism
| Niz | predlagano |
small | small | Specifies whether the small format is used. If set to "yes", "y", "1", or "true", a padlock icon is generated instead of a full protection banner.
| Bool | predlagano |
action | action | Protection action. Must be one of "edit" (for normal protection), "move" (for move-protection) or "autoreview" (for pending changes). The default value is "edit".
| Niz | neobvezno |
date | date | Protection date. This must be valid input to the second parameter of the #time parser function. This argument only has an effect for the "office" and "reset" reasons. | Datum | neobvezno |
user | user | Username of the user to generate links for. This only has an effect when the "usertalk" reason is specified. | Uporabnik | neobvezno |
section | section | Section name of the protected page's talk page where discussion is taking place. This works for most, but not all, values of reason. | Niz | neobvezno |
category | category | Categories are suppressed if this is set to "no", "n", "0", or "false". | Bool | neobvezno |