Seznam medalj |
Serija predlog Infopolje medalje dovoljuje urejevalcem sestaviti seznam osnovnih medalj športnika na vrhu biografskega članka.
[uredi kodo]Infopolje medalje se sestoji iz dveh predlog:
- {{MedalTableTop}} – za začetek tabele (neobvezna slika)
- {{Medalja}} – za več elementov znotraj tabele
Predloga ({{MedalBox}}) se uporablja za seznam medalj v sredini besedila članka.
[uredi kodo]MedalTableTop
[uredi kodo]Johnson na London Olympic Stadium | ||
Seznam medalj | ||
Moška atletika | ||
Predstavnik ![]() | ||
- Osnovna uporaba
- {{MedalTableTop|image=|imagesize=|alt=|caption=|name=|sport=|country_code=|medals=}}
- image This give you the option to place a headline image in the infobox. Use just the file name and extension, excluding the namespace prefix, for example: MyImage.jpg not File:MyImage.jpg.
- imagesize This adjusts the size of the image and must consist of a number followed by "px" (e.g. 150px). The default is 100px. Sizes over 200px are no recommended for typical usage.
- alt This provides a description of the image for accessibility users or those using weak connections
- caption This adds a short description to describe the image. Try to be brief, using just a few words.
- name This option adjusts the title that appears at the top of the box. This should typically be the athlete's common name. By default it will display the article title without the disambiguator, for example on Michael Johnson (sprinter) "Michael Johnson" will appear by default. To deactivate the title enter no in the field.
- header This optional field can be used to change the text in the opening "Medal record" section. This is useful when the template appears in a section of an article. See Michael Phelps for a working example.
- sport This option includes the athlete's sport (e.g. Men's swimming) in the first line of the medal record. This replaces the need for {{Medal|Sport}} when an athlete has medalled in only one sport. In cases where an athlete has competed in multiple sports, it is still possible to use the {{Medal|Sport}} template usage to list the different sports.
- country_code This option uses the country code (e.g. USA = United States, CHN = China, GBR2 = Great Britain) to generate the country that the athlete represents in the second line of the medal record. This replaces the need for {{Medal|Country}} when an athlete has competed for only one country. In cases where an athlete has represented multiple countries, it is still possible to use the {{Medal|Country}} template usage to list the different countries.
- medals This is the only compulsory field as this is used to place medals and descriptions within the infobox through the {{Medal}} template. To work correctly it must be the last field in the main template.
[uredi kodo]Seznam medalj | ||
Moška atletika | ||
Predstavnik ![]() | ||
Olimpijske igre | ||
Zlato | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Srebro | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Bron | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Zmaga | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Drugi | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Drugi | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Tretji | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Playoffs | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Diskv. | 2012 TEST | 100 m |
Moški bob | ||
Predstavnik države ![]() | ||
World Bobsled Championships | ||
Diskv. | 2013 TEST | Bob |
The Medal template is a multi-purpose one which allows for all varieties of entries within the medal table.
- Basic usage
- {{Medal|TYPE|FIELD1|FIELD2}}
There are four major types:
- Competition This states the general competition at which the following medals were achieved (e.g. Olimpijske igre, Pan Pacific Swimming Championships)
- Medal performances: There are ten types of medal performances. These contain two separate fields for the year of the competition and its location (e.g. 2008 Beijing, 2010 Delhi) and the medalling event or category (e.g. pole vault, 56 kg, 50 m freestyle). The medal types are (with shortcut in brackets):
- Gold (G)
- Silver (S)
- Bronze (B)
- Winner (W)
- Runnerup (RU)
- Second (2nd)
- Third (3rd)
- Playoffs (PO)
- Disqualified (DQ)
Seznam medalj | ||
![]() |
Medalja Pierra de Coubertina | 2012 |
The final type (TrueSpirit) is used for the Medalja Pierra de Coubertina. This has only one extra field for the year it was awarded.
Seznam medalj | ||
Diskv. | 2012 TEST | 100 m[1] |
For the disqualified medal template, it is possible to create a reference directly after the template to explain the reason for disqualification. This can be particularly useful in the case of relay runners disqualified through no fault of their own, due to doping by team mates for example.
- ↑ Reason for disqualification
- Multiple countries/sports
Where an athlete has competed for multiple countries or in multiple sports it will be necessary to use the Country or Sport Medal types, in addition to the main sport and country_code listings in the MedalTableTop template
- Country This is usually the first section showing the person's relevant country (or team). Enter the country's three letter code in curly brackets (e.g. {{CHN}} ), including "the" where appropriate (e.g. the {{USA}} ). In rare cases the correct input may be something else (e.g. a team name). Independent is used for independent athletes.
- Sport This states the sport that the athlete is competing in (e.g. Women's swimming)
[uredi kodo]Mednarodne medalje | ||
Moški hokej na ledu | ||
Predstavnik države ![]() | ||
Svetovno prvenstvo | ||
Srebro | 1989 Sweden | Hokej na ledu |
The MedalBox template has a similar output to the MedalTableTop template, but it is specifically designed for non-infobox usages (i.e. mid-article boxes).
- Basic usage
- {{MedalBox|color=|title=|sport=|country=|medals=}}
- color This option changes the color of the box header. If omitted, the default is light grey.
- title This parameter allows you to customise the box title. If omitted, the default is "Medal record".
- sport This displays the athlete's primary sport (e.g. "Moški hokej na ledu"). This option supersedes the "Medal|Sport" template function.
- country This displays the athlete's primary country or team (e.g. "{{CAN}}"). This option supersedes the "Medal|Country" template function.
- medals This is the only compulsory field as this is used to place medals and descriptions within the box through the {{Medal}} template. To work correctly it must be the last field in the main template.
[uredi kodo]Za tekmovalce, ki so tekmovali v enem športu za eno državo, mora biti predloga sestavljena v sledečem vrstnem redu: Sport, Country, Competition1, Award, Competition2, Award and so on.
{{MedalTableTop|image=Example-serious.jpg|imagesize=150px|alt=Alt text za sliko|name=Ime športnika |sport=Moška [[atletika]]|country_code=AUS|medals= {{Medal|Competition|[[Olimpijske igre]]}} {{Medal|Gold|[[Poletne olimpijske igre 2000|Sydney 2000| [[Atletika na Poletnih olimpijskih igrah 2000|100 m]] }} {{Medal|Competition|[[Igre Commonwealtha]]}} {{Medal|Silver|[[Igre Commonwealtha 2006|Melbourne 2006]] | 200 m }} {{Medal|Bronze|2006 Melbourne | 400 m }} }}
{{MedalTableTop|image=Example-serious.jpg|imagesize=150px|alt=Alt text za sliko|name=Ime športnika|sport=Moška atletika|country_code=AUS|medals=
|- style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#cccccc;" |colspan ="3"| Olimpijske igre {{Medal|Gold | [[Poletne olimpijske igre 2000|Sydney 2000| 100 m }}
|- style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;background-color:#cccccc;" |colspan ="3"| Igre Commonwealtha
|- style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;background-color:white;" |style="background-color:silver" | Srebro|| Igre Commonwealtha 2006|| Melbourne 2006]]
|- style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;background-color:white;"
|style="background-color:#cc9966" | Bron|| 2006 Melbourne || 400 m
Seznam medalj | ||
Predstavnik ![]() | ||
Žensko veslanje | ||
Olimpijske igre | ||
Srebro | Atene 2004 | Dvojni četverec |
Žensko dirkališčno kolesarstvo | ||
Olimpijske igre | ||
Zlato | Peking 2008 | Zasledovalna vožnja - posamezniki |
Za tekmovalce, ki so prejeli medalje v različnih športih in tekmovali za eno državo. Prikazan primer temelji na Rebecca Romero.
Seznam medalj | ||
Ženski badminton | ||
Olimpijske igre | ||
Predstavnik države ![]() | ||
Srebro | Atlanta 1996 | Posamezno |
Predstavnik države ![]() | ||
Srebro | Atene 2004 | Posamezno |
For competitors who have won medals in the same sport at the same competition, competing for different countries, the templates should be ordered Sport, Competition, Country1, Award, Country2, Award itd. Prikazan primer temelji na Mia Audina.
Seznam medalj | ||
Ženski badminton | ||
Predstavnik države ![]() | ||
Olimpijske igre | ||
Srebro | Atlanta 1996 | Posamezno |
Evropska prvenstva | ||
Bron | Malmö 2002 | Posamezno |
Predstavnik države ![]() | ||
Olimpijske igre | ||
Srebro | Atene 2004 | Posamezno |
Za tekmovalce, ki so osvojili več medalj v enem športu na različnih tekmovanjih, za različne države, mora biti predloga sestavljena v sledečem vrstnem redu: Sport, Country1, Competition1, Award, Competition2, Award, Country2, Competition1, Award and so on.
[uredi kodo]Osnovni prikaz uporabe predloge MedalBoxe:
{{MedalBox|title=Mednarodne medalje|sport=Moški [[hokej na ledu]]|country={{ih|CAN}}|medals= {{Medal|Competition|[[World Junior Ice Hockey Championships|World Junior Championships]]}} {{Medal|Gold|[[2005 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships|2005 Grand Forks]]|}} {{Medal|Silver|[[2004 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships|2004 Helsinki]]|}} {{Medal|Competition|[[IIHF World U18 Championships|World Junior U18 Championships]]}} {{Medal|Gold|[[2003 IIHF World U18 Championships|2003 Yaroslavl]]|}} {{Medal|Competition|[[Ivan Hlinka Memorial Tournament|Eight Nations Cup]]}} {{Medal|Gold|[[2002 Ivan Hlinka Memorial Tournament|2002 Slovakia]]|}} }}
Mednarodne medalje | ||
Moški hokej na ledu | ||
Predstavnik države ![]() | ||
World Junior Championships | ||
Zlato | 2005 Grand Forks | |
Srebro | 2004 Helsinki | |
World Junior U18 Championships | ||
Zlato | 2003 Yaroslavl | |
Eight Nations Cup | ||
Zlato | 2002 Slovakia |
Pretekle predloge
[uredi kodo]- Deprecated TableTop templates
– use{{MedalTableTop}}
with{{Medal|Competition|Olimpijske igre}}
– (for Paralympic Games) use{{MedalTableTop}}
– uporabite{{MedalTableTop}}
z istimi parametri
- Deprecated Competition templates
– use{{Medal|Competition|Olimpijske igre}}
– use{{Medal|Competition|[Paraolimpiske igre]]}}
– use{{Medal|Competition|Svetovno prvenstvo}}
– use{{Medal|Competition|Evropsko prvenstvo}}
- Deprecated Medal templates
Za tekmovanja, ki ne uporabljajo terminologije Gold, Silver in Bronze
- Nezaželene predloge za zaključevanje infopolja
- tabela se sedaj zaključi avtomatsko z uporabo parametra |medals= in s prestavitvijo dveh zavitih oklepajev na dno predloge.