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Predloga:Infopolje Naselje v Rusiji

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Infopolje Naselje v Rusiji
Dokumentacija za predlogo[poglej] [uredi] [zgodovina] [osveži]

Živ primer predloge lahko vidite v članku Severomorsk .

Če je naselje v preteklosti nosilo drugo ime, naj infopolje uporabi sodobno ime, medtem ko naj članek v telesu uporablja prejšnja imena, kjer je primerno.


[uredi kodo]
{{Infopolje Naselje v Rusiji
| sl_name                 = Ime v slovenščini
| ru_name                 = Ime v ruščini
| loc_name1               = Name in another official language of the federal subject, up to loc_name4 / loc_lang4
| loc_lang1               = Name of the language in which loc_name1..4 is given
| other_name              = Name in a language that is not official, but important to this inhabited locality
| other_lang              = Name of the language in which other_name is given
| image_skyline           = Name of the inhabited locality's skyline image (do not include "[[File:]]")
| image_caption           = Caption for the skyline image
| image_map               = Name of the location map; only use if there is a good reason to override the auto-generated map or if no coordinates (see below) are supplied
| map_caption             = Caption for the map (also overrides the default caption of an auto-generated map)
| coordinates             = <!--{{coord| XX| YY| ZZ| N| XX| YY| ZZ| E| display=inline,title}}-->
| image_flag              = Name of the flag image (do not include "[[File:]]")
| image_coa               = Name of the coat of arms image (do not include "[[File:]]")
| anthem                  = Title of the anthem
| anthem_ref              = Reference for the anthem; use "<ref></ref>"
| holiday                 = Date of the inhabited locality's official holiday
| holiday_ref             = Reference for the holiday; use "<ref></ref>"
| twin_towns              = twin towns of the settlement; overrides the list automatically transcluded from Wikidata
<!-- administrative status -->
| federal_subject         = Name of the federal subject on the territory of which the inhabited locality is located
| federal_subject_ref     = (Optional) reference for the federal subject; use "<ref></ref>"
| adm_district_jur        = Name of the administrative district in jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with adm_city_jur
| adm_district_jur_ref    = Reference for the administrative district; use "<ref></ref>"
| adm_inhabloc_jur        = (or adm_city_jur) Name of the non-district administrative entity in administrative jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with adm_district_jur
| adm_inhabloc_jur_ref    = (or adm_city_jur_ref) Reference for the non-district administrative entity to which this inhabited locality is subordinated; use "<ref></ref>"
| adm_citydistrict_jur    = Name of the city district in administrative jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; must be used together with adm_city_jur
| adm_citydistrict_type   = Defaults to "city district"; can be overridden here if necessary
| adm_citydistrict_jur_ref = Reference for the city district; use "<ref></ref>"
| adm_selsoviet_jur       = Name of the selsoviet in administrative jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs
| adm_selsoviet_type      = Defaults to "selsoviet"; can be overridden here if necessary
| adm_selsoviet_jur_ref   = Reference for the selsoviet; use "<ref></ref>"
| capital_of              = Name of the republic the inhabited locality is the capital of
| capital_of_ref          = Reference for the capital; use "<ref></ref>"
| adm_ctr_of1             = Name of the federal subject or the highest level administrative division the inhabited locality is the administrative center of. Using "adm_ctr_of" also works.
| adm_ctr_of1_ref         = Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>". Using "adm_ctr_of_ref" also works.
| adm_ctr_of2             = Name of the next highest level administrative division the inhabited locality is the administrative center of
| adm_ctr_of2_ref         = Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>"
| adm_ctr_of3             = Name of the next highest level administrative division the inhabited locality is the administrative center of
| adm_ctr_of3_ref         = Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>"
| inhabloc_cat            = Category of the inhabited locality (USE ONLY THE FOLLOWING: city, town, urban-type settlement, rural locality)
| inhabloc_cat_ref        = Reference for inhabloc_cat; use "<ref></ref>"
| inhabloc_type           = Type of the inhabited locality within inhabloc_cat (e.g., city of krai significance, town of district significance, resort settlement, village, aul, kishlak, etc.)
| inhabloc_type_ref       = Reference for inhabloc_type; use "<ref></ref>"
<!-- municipal status -->
| mun_district_jur        = Name of the municipal district in jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with urban_okrug_jur
| mun_district_jur_ref    = Reference for the municipal district; use "<ref></ref>"
| urban_okrug_jur         = Name of the urban okrug in municipal jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with mun_district_jur, urban_settlement_jur, rural_settlement_jur, or with inter_settlement_territory set to "yes"
| urban_okrug_jur_ref     = Reference for the urban okrug; use "<ref></ref>"
| urban_settlement_jur    = Name of the urban settlement in municipal jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with urban_okrug_jur, rural_settlement_jur, or with inter_settlement_territory set to "yes"
| urban_settlement_jur_ref       = Reference for the urban settlement; use "<ref></ref>"
| rural_settlement_jur    = Name of the rural settlement in municipal jurisdiction of which the inhabited locality belongs; cannot be used together with urban_okrug_jur, urban_settlement_jur, or with inter_settlement_territory set to "yes"
| rural_settlement_jur_ref       = Reference for the rural settlement; use "<ref></ref>"
| inter_settlement_territory     = "yes" is the only valid value, used for the inhabited localities which are not municipally incorporated and are a part of a municipal district's inter-settlement territory.  If set to "yes", urban_okrug_jur, urban_settlement_jur, and rural_settlement_jur cannot be used.
| inter_settlement_territory_ref = Reference for the inter-settlement territory status; use "<ref></ref>"
| mun_admctr_of1          = Name of the highest level municipal formation the inhabited locality is the administrative center of. Using "mun_admctr_of" also works.
| mun_admctr_of1_ref      = Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>". Using "mun_adm_ctr_of_ref" also works.
| mun_admctr_of2          = Name of the lower-level municipal formation the inhabited locality is the administrative center of
| mun_admctr_of2_ref      = Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>"
| leader_title            = Title of the inhabited locality's leader. "Leader" is the default value if leader_name is specified.  Should not be used for rural localities and for urban localities which are not administrative centers of a municipal formation.
| leader_title_ref        = Reference for the leader title; use "<ref></ref>"
| leader_name             = Name of the inhabited locality's leader.
| leader_name_ref         = Reference for the leader name; use "<ref></ref>"
| representative_body     = Name of the representative body.  Should not be used for rural localities and for urban localities which are not administrative centers of a municipal formation.
| representative_body_ref = Reference for the representative body; use "<ref></ref>"
<!-- statistics -->
| elevation_m             = Elevation, in meters.
| area_km2                = Area in square kilometers; converted to square miles automatically.  Use no spaces.
| area_km2_ref            = Reference for the area value; use "<ref></ref>"
| pop_2010census          = Inhabited locality's population as of the 2010 Census. Is referenced automatically, but can be overridden by pop_2010census_ref. Use no spaces.
| pop_2010census_rank     = Population rank within Russia as of the 2010 Census; use only for the cities/towns listed in [[list of cities and towns in Russia by population]]
| pop_2010census_ref      = Reference for the 2010 Census figure. When using the official source, set this parameter to <nowiki><ref name="2010Census">{{ru-pop-ref| 2010Census}}</ref></nowiki>
| pop_density             = The value of population density is calculated automatically if area_km2 and pop_2010census are supplied. However, it is possible to overwrite the automatically calculated value by using this parameter. Use no spaces or commas.
| pop_latest              = Most recent available population estimate.  Use no spaces or commas.
| pop_latest_date         = Date as of which the population estimate is given; will display as "(as of?)" if no value is given.
| pop_latest_ref          = Reference for the latest population estimate; use "<ref></ref>"
| population_demonym      = A demonym or gentilic is a word that denotes the members of a people or the inhabitants of a place.
<!-- history -->
| established_date        = Date on which the inhabited locality was founded
| established_title       = Defaults to "Founded"; can be overridden here if necessary
| established_date_ref    = Reference for the date of the foundation; use "<ref></ref>"
| current_cat_date        = Date on which inhabloc_cat status was granted
| current_cat_date_ref    = Reference for the current status date; use "<ref></ref>"
| abolished_date          = Date on which the inhabited locality was abolished.  This parameter is only used for cases when the inhabited locality ceases to exist completely.
| abolished_date_ref      = Reference for the abolishment ; use "<ref></ref>"
<!-- misc -->
| postal_codes            = Postal code(s) or a range of postal codes assigned to the inhabited locality (comma-separated if more than one)
| postal_codes_ref        = Reference for the postal code(s); use "<ref></ref>". Generated automatically if not provided.
| dialing_codes           = Dialing code(s) assigned to the inhabited locality (comma-separated if more than one). No need to specify "+7" for Russia.
| dialing_codes_ref       = Reference for the dialing code(s); use "<ref></ref>"
| website                 = Full URL of the official website of the city/town

Kopiraj - prilepi

[uredi kodo]

Za mesto

[uredi kodo]
{{Infopolje Naselje v Rusiji
| sl_name                  =
| ru_name                  =
| loc_name1                =
| loc_lang1                =
| loc_name2                =
| loc_lang2                =
| loc_name3                =
| loc_lang3                =
| loc_name4                =
| loc_lang4                =
| other_name               =
| other_lang               =
| image_skyline            =
| image_caption            =
| coordinates              =
| image_flag               =
| image_coa                =
| anthem                   =
| anthem_ref               =
| holiday                  =
| holiday_ref              =
<!-- administrative status -->
| federal_subject          =
| federal_subject_ref      =
| adm_district_jur         =
| adm_district_jur_ref     =
| adm_city_jur             =
| adm_city_jur_ref         =
| capital_of               =
| capital_of_ref           =
| adm_ctr_of1              =
| adm_ctr_of1_ref          =
| adm_ctr_of2              =
| adm_ctr_of2_ref          =
| adm_ctr_of3              =
| adm_ctr_of3_ref          =
| inhabloc_cat             = Mesto
| inhabloc_cat_ref         =
| inhabloc_type            =
| inhabloc_type_ref        =
<!-- municipal status -->
| mun_district_jur         =
| mun_district_jur_ref     =
| urban_okrug_jur          =
| urban_okrug_jur_ref      =
| urban_settlement_jur     =
| urban_settlement_jur_ref =
| mun_admctr_of1           =
| mun_admctr_of1_ref       =
| mun_admctr_of2           =
| mun_admctr_of2_ref       =
| leader_title             =
| leader_title_ref         =
| leader_name              =
| leader_name_ref          =
| representative_body      =
| representative_body_ref  =
<!-- statistics -->
| area_km2                 =
| area_km2_ref             =
| pop_2010census           =
| pop_2010census_rank      =
| pop_2010census_ref       = <ref name="2010Census">{{ru-pop-ref| 2010Census}}</ref>
<!--| pop_density= -->
| pop_latest               =
| pop_latest_date          =
| pop_latest_ref           =
<!-- history -->
| established_date         =
| established_title        =
| established_date_ref     =
| current_cat_date         =
| current_cat_date_ref     =
| abolished_date           =
| abolished_date_ref       =
<!-- misc -->
| postal_codes             =
| postal_codes_ref         =
| dialing_codes            =
| dialing_codes_ref        =
| website                  =

Za druga urbana območja

[uredi kodo]
{{Infopolje Naselje v Rusiji
| sl_name                  =
| ru_name                  =
| loc_name1                =
| loc_lang1                =
| loc_name2                =
| loc_lang2                =
| loc_name3                =
| loc_lang3                =
| loc_name4                =
| loc_lang4                =
| other_name               =
| other_lang               =
| image_skyline            =
| image_caption            =
| coordinates              =
| image_flag               =
| image_coa                =
| anthem                   =
| anthem_ref               =
| holiday                  =
| holiday_ref              =
<!-- administrative status -->
| federal_subject          =
| federal_subject_ref      =
| adm_district_jur         =
| adm_district_jur_ref     =
| adm_city_jur             =
| adm_city_jur_ref         =
| adm_citydistrict_jur     =
| adm_citydistrict_type    =
| adm_citydistrict_jur_ref =
| adm_selsoviet_jur        =
| adm_selsoviet_type       =
| adm_selsoviet_jur_ref    =
| adm_ctr_of1              =
| adm_ctr_of1_ref          =
| adm_ctr_of2              =
| adm_ctr_of2_ref          =
| adm_ctr_of3              =
| adm_ctr_of3_ref          =
| inhabloc_cat             = Tip urbanega območja
| inhabloc_cat_ref         =
| inhabloc_type            =
| inhabloc_type_ref        =
<!-- municipal status -->
| mun_district_jur         =
| mun_district_jur_ref     =
| urban_okrug_jur          =
| urban_okrug_jur_ref      =
| urban_settlement_jur     =
| urban_settlement_jur_ref =
| rural_settlement_jur     =
| rural_settlement_jur_ref =
| mun_admctr_of1           =
| mun_admctr_of1_ref       =
| mun_admctr_of2           =
| mun_admctr_of2_ref       =
| leader_title             =
| leader_title_ref         =
| leader_name              =
| leader_name_ref          =
| representative_body      =
| representative_body_ref  =
<!-- statistics -->
| area_km2                 =
| area_km2_ref             =
| pop_2010census           =
| pop_2010census_rank      =
| pop_2010census_ref       = <ref name="2010Census">{{ru-pop-ref| 2010Census}}</ref>
<!--| pop_density= -->
| pop_latest               =
| pop_latest_date          =
| pop_latest_ref           =
<!-- history -->
| established_date         =
| established_title        =
| established_date_ref     =
| current_cat_date         =
| current_cat_date_ref     =
| abolished_date           =
| abolished_date_ref       =
<!-- misc -->
| postal_codes             =
| postal_codes_ref         =
| dialing_codes            =
| dialing_codes_ref        =
| website                  =

Za kmečka naselja

[uredi kodo]
{{Infopolje Naselje v Rusiji
| sl_name                  =
| ru_name                  =
| loc_name1                =
| loc_lang1                =
| loc_name2                =
| loc_lang2                =
| loc_name3                =
| loc_lang3                =
| loc_name4                =
| loc_lang4                =
| other_name               =
| other_lang               =
| image_skyline            =
| image_caption            =
| coordinates              =
<!-- administrative status -->
| federal_subject          =
| federal_subject_ref      =
| adm_district_jur         =
| adm_district_jur_ref     =
| adm_city_jur             =
| adm_city_jur_ref         =
| adm_citydistrict_jur     =
| adm_citydistrict_type    =
| adm_citydistrict_jur_ref =
| adm_selsoviet_jur        =
| adm_selsoviet_type       =
| adm_selsoviet_jur_ref    =
| adm_ctr_of1              =
| adm_ctr_of1_ref          =
| adm_ctr_of2              =
| adm_ctr_of2_ref          =
| adm_ctr_of3              =
| adm_ctr_of3_ref          =
| inhabloc_cat             = Vas
| inhabloc_cat_ref         =
| inhabloc_type            =
| inhabloc_type_ref        =
<!-- municipal status -->
| mun_district_jur         =
| mun_district_jur_ref     =
| urban_okrug_jur          =
| urban_okrug_jur_ref      =
| urban_settlement_jur     =
| urban_settlement_jur_ref =
| rural_settlement_jur     =
| rural_settlement_jur_ref =
| inter_settlement_territory =
| inter_settlement_territory_ref =
| mun_admctr_of1           =
| mun_admctr_of1_ref       =
| mun_admctr_of2           =
| mun_admctr_of2_ref       =
<!-- statistics -->
| area_km2                 =
| area_km2_ref             =
| pop_2010census           =
| pop_2010census_rank      =
| pop_2010census_ref       = <ref name="2010Census">{{ru-pop-ref| 2010Census}}</ref>
<!--| pop_density= -->
| pop_latest               =
| pop_latest_date          =
| pop_latest_ref           =
<!-- history -->
| established_date         =
| established_title        =
| established_date_ref     =
| current_cat_date         =
| current_cat_date_ref     =
| abolished_date           =
| abolished_date_ref       =
<!-- misc -->
| postal_codes             =
| postal_codes_ref         =
| dialing_codes            =
| dialing_codes_ref        =
| website                  =


[uredi kodo]

HTML-koda, ki jo sestavi ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča strojno razčlenjevanje imen in naslovov, na primer za katalogiziranje člankov ali vključevanje podatkov o subjektu v adresar.

Znotraj hCarda mikroformat Geo, ki omogoča še strojno razčlenjevanje koordinat (zemljepisna širina in dolžina), zato jih je denimo možno preveriti na digitalnem zemljevidu ali spraviti v GPS-napravo.

Če opisujete kraj, ki ima datum ustanovitve oz. odprtja, uporabite {{Start date}}. Če ima spletno stran, uporabite {{URL}}.

Hcard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:

  • adr
  • agent
  • category
  • county-name
  • extended-address
  • fn
  • label
  • locality
  • nickname
  • note
  • org
  • region
  • street-address
  • url
  • vcard

Geo je produkt klica predloge {{koord}} in uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:

  • geo
  • latitude
  • longitude

Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranjujte teh razredov.

Ob podajanju koordinat se prosimo izogibajte pretirani natančnosti.

Maintenance categories

[uredi kodo]

The template has some input checks built in. The absence of certain required parameters, or the use of unknown parameters, will cause the page to be categorized in a hidden maintenance category

Helper templates

[uredi kodo]

Glej tudi

[uredi kodo]