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Uporabniški pogovor:Leontari1

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Pozdravljen, hvala za tvoj prispevek, ki pa na žalost zaradi preslabe slovnice še ni primeren za objavo. Zato sem ga prestavil na začasni naslov Uporabnik:Leontari1/Umetnost in kolesarjenje v Milštat. Če je problem znanje slovenščine, predlagam, da najprej vprašaš skupnost, če bi ga kdo bi pripravljen lektorirati. — Yerpo Ha? 19:52, 13. junij 2018 (CEST)[odgovori]

@Yerpo: Hello, my knowledge of Slowenian is indeed very limited, and therefore much of the text is a result of an automated translation, which has inevitably grammatical problems. But I thought due to very principal reasons regarding the Slowenian language in Carinthia, that an entry on culture in Carinthia should also be visible in the Slowenian language, which is normally subdued in Carinthia and NOT visible. Could you please correct the grammatical errors yourself, or suggest somebody from the community of Carinthian Slowenes willing to do that?Leontari1 (pogovor) 23:38, 13. junij 2018 (CEST)[odgovori]
Here ist the automated translation of the above message: Pozdravljeni, moje znanje s slovenščino je res zelo omejeno, zato je veliko besedila rezultat avtomatskega prevajanja, ki ima neizogibno slovnične težave. Vendar sem zaradi zelo glavnih razlogov v zvezi s slovenskim jezikom na Koroškem mislil, da mora biti vnos o kulturi na Koroškem tudi viden v slovenskem jeziku, ki je običajno umirjen in NI viden. Ali lahko sami sami popravite slovnične napake ali predlagate, da je to nekdo iz skupnosti koroških Slovencev pripravljen storiti?Leontari1 (pogovor) 23:38, 13. junij 2018 (CEST)[odgovori]
Don't worry, I understand English, I just thought that you were a member of the Carinthian Slovene minority and that you understood Slovene. Your effort is appreciated, but due to very principal reasons regarding the Slovenian language and Wikipedia as a whole, we cannot accept automatic translations. Unfortunately, I cannot help because art is outside my area of expertise and my German is not good enough for translating the original again (with automatic translations, it is necessary to reference the original, because usually not only grammar is wrong). You can ask for help at Wikipedija:Pod lipo, most of the editors there understand English. — Yerpo Ha? 07:31, 14. junij 2018 (CEST)[odgovori]
I put the cause on the help side Wikipedija:Pod lipo, but until now nowbody responded. What can I do to evoke support ? -Ta nepodpisani komentar je dodal Uporabnik:Leontari1 (pogovorprispevki) 18:35, 15. junij 2018‎.
Actually, Janezdrilc fixed your contribution and moved it to Umetniško kolesarjenje po Miljah. I think it's quite a good response, no? — Yerpo Ha? 20:22, 15. junij 2018 (CEST)[odgovori]
SUPER !! Thank you Janezdrilc for fixing the conribution Leontari1 (pogovor) 22:32, 15. junij 2018 (CEST)[odgovori]