Midwayski atol
![]() Atol Midway | |
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Geografija | |
Lega | severni Tihi ocean |
Koordinati | 28°12′N 177°21′W / 28.200°N 177.350°W |
Število otokov | 4 |
Površina | 6,2 km2 |
Uprava | |
Midwayski atol [midvéjski atól] (ali tudi otok Midway ali samo Midway), je atol s površino 2,4 km², ki leži v severnem Tihem oceanu, blizu severozahodnega konca Havajskega otočja, nekje na tretjini poti med Honolulujem in Tokiom. Sestavljajo ga prstanast koralni greben in nekaj peščenih otočkov. Atol ponuja življenjski prostor številnim morskim pticam.
Najbolj je znan kot prizorišče znamenite bitke za Midway v drugi svetovni vojni.
Atol je odvisno ozemlje ZDA.
Zunanje povezave
[uredi | uredi kodo]- Satellite Map and NOAA Chart of Midway Arhivirano 2010-09-18 na Wayback Machine. on Bloosee|BlooSee
- AirNav - Henderson Field Airport : Airport facilities and navigational aids.
- Diary from the middle of nowhere BBC's environment correspondent David Shukman reports on the threat of plastic rubbish drifting in the North Pacific Gyre to Midway. Accessed 2008-03-26.
- Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (this article incorporated some content from this public domain site)
- NOAA Midway Island Hawaiian Monk Seal Captive Care & Release Project
- The Battle of Midway: Turning the Tide in the Pacific, a National Park Service Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) lesson plan
- Marines at Midway: by Lieutenant Colonel R.D. Heinl, Jr., USMC Historical Section, Division of Public Information Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps 1948,
- Aviation: From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms, a National Park Service Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary
- Past residents of Midway Discussion of Midway related topics by former residents and those interested in Midway.
- U.S. Unincorporated Possessions. Accessed 2008-03-26.