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Predloga:Povezava razdelka/dok

Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije


[uredi kodo]

Predloga se uporablja za ustvaritev povezave na določen razdelek/poglavje na strani.

Sintaksa (pregled)

[uredi kodo]
  • {{Povezava razdelka|Članek|Poglavje}} ali {{Povezava razdelka|Članek#Poglavje}}, povezava na poglavje v drugem članku. → Zgled: Albert Einstein § Znanstvena kariera
  • {{Povezava razdelka|Članek|Poglavje|nopage=y}}, povezava na poglavje v drugem članku, izpisan je le naslov poglavja → Zgled: § Znanstvena kariera
  • {{Povezava razdelka||Poglavje}}, za uporabo znotraj istega članka, prvi parameter je prazen → Zgled: § Znanstvena kariera

En razdelek/poglavje

[uredi kodo]

Ta predloga {{Povezava razdelka}} ali njena bližnjica, {{slink}} se uporabljata za generiranje povezave na določen razdelek/poglavje na lokalni Wiki strani in interpretira ustrezno oznako poglavja (§).


[[Albert Einstein#Znanstvena kariera]]

Albert Einstein#Znanstvena kariera

...lahko napišete:

{{Povezava razdelka|Albert Einstein|Znanstvena kariera}}

Albert Einstein § Znanstvena kariera


{{Povezava razdelka|Albert Einstein#Znanstvena kariera}}

Albert Einstein § Znanstvena kariera

Več razdelkov/poglavij

[uredi kodo]

Ta predloga lahko generira zaporedje povezav na različna poglavja na isti strani. Napišete lahko:

{{povezava razdelka|IBM|1880s–1924: Izvor IBM|1969: Antitrust, the Unbundling of software and services|1993–danes: IBMova oživitev}}
IBM §§ 1880s–1924: Izvor IBM, 1969: Antitrust, the Unbundling of software and services, and 1993–danes: IBMova oživitev


{{Povezava razdelka|IBM#1880s–1924: Izvor IBM|1969: Antitrust, the Unbundling of software and services|1993–danes: IBMova oživitev}}
IBM §§ 1880s–1924: Izvor IBM, 1969: Antitrust, the Unbundling of software and services, and 1993–danes: IBMova oživitev

Suppressing page name

[uredi kodo]

Sometimes the page name needs not to appear, e.g. to avoid redundancy and wordiness. For the page on which the template is used, not specifying a page name creates a section link only. The following:

{{Povezava razdelka||Suppressing page name}}

...is the equivalent of:

[[#Suppressing page name|§ Suppressing page name]]

...and renders as:

§ Suppressing page name

For other pages, |nopage=y can be used to suppress the page name. This can be used when the page name is clear from context, such as on talk pages referring to the article being discussed.

This common case can be entered using {{Povezava razdelka|{{ARTICLEPAGENAME}}|Section|nopage=y}}. The template {{Article link}}, alias {{alink}}, exists for this purpose.

Comparison of displayed results:

Styling page name

[uredi kodo]

For some page names (e.g., titles of films or short stories) we're always supposed to present the core part of the page's name (without any parenthetic disambiguation) in italics, quotation marks, or some other markup (per MOS:TITLES). The |display= parameter can be used for this purpose:


[uredi kodo]
To je dokumentacija TemplateData za predlogo, ki jo uporabljajo Vizualni urejevalnik in druga orodja; glejte mesečno poročilo o uporabi parametrov za to predlogo.

TemplateData za Povezava razdelka

This template is used to generate a link to a certain section of a local wiki page and render an appropriate section mark (§). This template may generate consecutive links to several sections of the same page.

Parametri predloge[Urejanje podatkov predloge]

Page name1

Name of the page to which the link must be created. Leave empty to link to the current page. Doing so causes no page name to appear.

Ime stranipredlagano
Section name 12

Name of the (first) section to which the link must be created. This parameter is mandatory.

Section name 23

This template can link to additional sections within one page. You can supply another section name in this field.

Section name 34

This template can link to additional sections within one page. You can supply another section name in this field.

Section name 45

This template can link to additional sections within one page. You can supply another section name in this field.

Suppress page name?nopage

If set to "yes", "y" or "true", suppresses the page name.

Samodejna vrednost
Displayed title overridedisplay

If the article title must be displayed specially (e.g. in italics), enter it here.


Glej tudi

[uredi kodo]