Name | name | The name of the pandemic, appearing above the infobox in bold
| Niz | predlagano |
Image | image | An image related to the pandemic, appearing below the title but above any maps
| Datoteka | neobvezno |
Image size | image_size | The image width in pixels ("px" is automatically added if omitted); overrides image scale. Default is 220px (unless changed in user preferences).
| Številka | neobvezno |
Image scale | image_upright | A scale to apply to the size of the image - Zgled
- 1.5, yes (for 0.75)
| Številka | neobvezno |
Image caption | caption | A caption for the image
| Vsebina | neobvezno |
Alt text for image | alt | The alt text for the image, for use when the image doesn't load or by screen readers or search engines
| Niz | neobvezno |
Map 1 | map1 | A map of the pandemic, appearing below "image" but above the data
| Datoteka | neobvezno |
Legend for map 1 | legend1 | Legend for map 1, appearing as a caption underneath the map
| Vsebina | neobvezno |
Alt text for map 1 | alt1 | The alt text for map 1, for use when the image doesn't load or by screen readers or search engines
| Niz | neobvezno |
Map 2 | map2 | A second map of the pandemic, appearing below map 1
| Datoteka | neobvezno |
Legend for map 2 | legend2 | Legend for map 2, appearing as a caption underneath the map
| Vsebina | neobvezno |
Alt text for map 2 | alt2 | The alt text for map 2, for use when the image doesn't load or by screen readers or search engines
| Niz | neobvezno |
Map 3 | map3 | A third map of the pandemic, appearing below map 2
| Datoteka | neobvezno |
Legend for map 3 | legend3 | Legend for map 3, appearing as a caption underneath the map
| Vsebina | neobvezno |
Alt text for map 3 | alt3 | The alt text for map 3, for use when the image doesn't load or by screen readers or search engines
| Niz | neobvezno |
Map 4 | map4 | A fourth map of the pandemic, appearing below map 3
| Datoteka | neobvezno |
Legend for map 4 | legend4 | Legend for map 4, appearing as a caption underneath the map
| Vsebina | neobvezno |
Alt text for map 4 | alt4 | The alt text for map 4, for use when the image doesn't load or by screen readers or search engines
| Niz | neobvezno |
Map 5 | map5 | A fifth map of the pandemic, appearing below map 4
| Datoteka | neobvezno |
Legend for map 5 | legend5 | Legend for map 5, appearing as a caption underneath the map
| Vsebina | neobvezno |
Alt text for map 5 | alt5 | The alt text for map 5, for use when the image doesn't load or by screen readers or search engines
| Niz | neobvezno |
Disease | disease | The name of the disease involved in the pandemic
| Vrstica | predlagano |
Virus strain | virus_strain | The virus strain involved in the pandemic (if applicable)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Bacteria strain | bacteria_strain | The bacteria strain involved in the pandemic (if applicable)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Parasite strain | parasite_strain | The parasite strain involved in the pandemic (if applicable)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Pathogen strain | pathogen_strain | The pathogen strain involved in the pandemic (if applicable)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Location | location | The location affected by the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
First case | first_case | The first case of the pandemic (if known)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Arrival date | arrival_date | The date the pandemic arrived to the relevant location (if applicable)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Dates | dates | The dates between which the pandemic took place (if "Arrival date" is used, it replaces this)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Date | date | The date of the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Origin | origin | The origin of the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Type | type | The type of pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Confirmed cases | confirmed_cases | The number of confirmed total cases related to the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Active cases | active_cases | The number of confirmed active cases related to the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Suspected cases | suspected_cases | The number of suspected cases related to the pandemic (adds a double-dagger note at the bottom of the infobox)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Severe cases | severe_cases | The number of severe cases of the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Hospitalized cases | hospitalized_cases | The number of people who have required hospitalization due to the pandemic - specify current or cumulative
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Critical cases | critical_cases | The number of people who have required critical care/ICU level care due to the pandemic - specify current or cumulative
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Ventilator cases | ventilator_cases | For respiratory pandemics. The number of people who have required ventilator support due to the pandemic - specify current or cumulative
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
ECMO cases | ecmo_cases | The number of people who have required extracorporal membrane oxygenation due to the pandemic - specify current or cumulative
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Recovered | recovery_cases | The number of people known to have recovered from the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Deaths | deaths | The number of people known to have died from the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Fatality Rate | fatality_rate | The ratio of deaths compared to the total number of people diagnosed with the disease
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Territories | territories | The territories affected by the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Total ILI cases | total_ili | The total number of cases of an influenza-like illness (ILI) (if applicable)
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Official website | website | An official website related to the pandemic
| Vrstica | neobvezno |
Width (ineffective) | width | The width of the infobox in px, pt, em or % (ineffective) - Zgled
- 200px
| Vrstica | neobvezno |