Pogovor:Sajeret Canhanim
Shalom! Sajeret Canhanim is not a part of Golani Brigada. It's a part of Canhanim Brigada. I am impressed of the fact that you have an article about the unit (in the hebrew wikipedia there is no article about the unit!). Ahia, Israel.
Thanks for the info! I'll correct. In Slovene literature it was written, that Canhamin is recce element of Golani Brigade. Do you have any sources (in english) on Canhanim Brigade? Regards, --Klemen Kocjančič 19:42, 1 oktober 2005 (CEST)
- Here, [2], [3] and [[4] you can find information about Canhanim (=צנחנים=paratroopers in Hebrew) Brigada. You can try harder and search here for other sorces. Now I see, that you wrote "50. Nahal bataljon (hebr. Nahal - padalski/padalska)
- 202. Nahal bataljon
- 890. Nahal bataljon
- 3 rezervne Nahal brigade
" in Glani Brigada structure. This is a mistkae: Nahal (נח"ל) is another brigada in IDF (my broter blongs to this brigada). In adittion, 890 and 202 are Battalions of Canhanim Brigada. If you want information about it in English, ask here and I will try to find. Ahia, Izrael (אחיה, ישראל). p.s What is your country?
I'll corrected info, when I'll have the time. I'm from Slovenia (סלובניה). Few years back there was a serie of articles on special and elite units of Israel in Slovene magazine; I used them to start some articles here. LP, --Klemen Kocjančič 00:45, 10 oktober 2005 (CEST)
- When you will start to work on it, call me in my talk page in the hebrew wikipedia, here: [1]. I can help you. Ahia, Izrael.
Začnite razpravo o temi Sajeret Canhanim
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