Pojdi na vsebino


Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije

Dela, objave in predstavitve s področja cvetnega zdravljenja: “Some New Remedies and New Uses”, Homoeopathic World (1930) “Ye Suffer From Yourselves”, 1930. “Verbena officinalis”, Homoeopathic World, 1931. “Cichorium intybus”, Homoeopathic World, 1931. “Heal thyself”, 1931. “Clematis erecta flora”, Homoeopathic World, 1932. "Some Fundamental Considerations of Disease and Cure", Homoeopathic World, 1932. “Free thyself”, 1932. “The twelve healers and other remedies”, 1936. “Healing by Herbs”, Wallingford, 1936.