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Wikipedia EN 4PM is web based information system that supports multi-project management and team collaboration. It is widely used by project managers, project management offices and project team members as a tool form project management. The application is written in latest Java J2EE Environment. It is system and browser independent. 4PM is provided as Software as a service – SaaS in a private cloud; it can also be used as installation.


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4PM is project management software and collaboration environment in the cloud. No software installation is required. Advanced user access rights system supports data security and data access control. Application includes project plan with project progress reports. All project team members contribute to better project state overview, all data is reporting ready. It supports multi-project management of various project types (large and small) and team collaboration of multi-cultural teams, i.e. large project consortia of EU-funded projects, internal, commercial projects… 4PM supports project management form project idea start to project archiving: project planning, project progress monitoring, and project reporting to project evaluation by including essential project management tools:

  • Gantt-chart and activities plan
    • Tasks and milestones (deliverables)
    • Phases and/or work-packages
    • Project events (team meetings)
  • Project organization structure and authorisations
  • Financial plan: project cost and project revenues
  • Project documentation and communication.
  • Progress monitoring and multi-level reporting (individual contribution, time spent, work done, use of funds, task progress, and project progress) for the purposes of project team members, for project managers, PMO or management.


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  • Project management: planning: personnel and other costs, activity planning and Gantt-chart, and project progress monitoring: communication, documentation and reporting.
    • Project finance – cost planning, project cash-flow planning, actual costs and revenue, internal personnel costs and external costs.
    • Project performance monitoring and comparing, priority setting
  • Task management is included in project scheduling (milestones and hours allocation), task delegation to team members. Application supports resource load management, task progress reporting and collaboration (communication in task team, document exchange...).
  • Work reporting – simple reporting forms for daily (weekly) reporting on time spent for various projects.
  • Project change management
  • Project document management system supports advanced functionalities as automatic versioning, access control, and search tool by content and meta-data. Documents can be linked to various parts of the projects (tasks, comments, finance module…)
  • Team collaboration and communication tool for internal project team and external team members supports multi-language teams.
  • Optional modules for custom reporting and integrated project reports.
  • Project human resource management system includes: resource load planning, evaluation, holiday planning, travels, and many advanced analytics.

Fields of use

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4PM can be easily adjusted to needs of users, sector or project role. It is used as project management tool for management of commercial projects, management and reporting of complex international EU-funded projects. It is effective in small or large project teams that work together on the same location or global teams. Application can be used also as platform for better work organization, monitoring and evaluation of work performance of employees. It is also used for management of investment projects in municipalities and management of IT projects…

Small and medium-sized enterprise

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SME's usually lack basic project management knowledge which can be gained by the use of 4PM. Application's adaptability and intuitive functionalities are used mostly for multi-project management of commercial projects (few tasks, simple financial plan, personnel costs are main project cost). Integrated document management system, work reporting forms can replace many isolated IT systems and unite team in a single working platform.

R&D companies

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Complex research and development teams are often multi-cultural, multi-language and interdisciplinary. Management of development projects (new products, services and knowledge) is therefore even more demanding. 4PM supports flexible project planning and project reporting, it reduces project administration to minimal level, organized and secure project documentation and communication, it can be easily adjusted to various needs of management, co-founders or other project authorities, and of course the unpredicted project challenges. [1]

Large companies and project management office

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In addition to basic functionalities it enables also resource load planning, project changes, project programme financial management and many advanced reporting features.

Awards and acknowledgements

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  • Golden award for innovation 2012 4PM Document management system by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Northern Primorska Chamber of Commerce and Industry [2]
  • Bronze award for innovation 2010: 4PM for management of cross-border projects, by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Northern Primorska Chamber of Commerce and Industry [3]
  • 3. Place acknowledgement (2010) for the development of second generation of web application 4PM for project management by Slovenian Informatics association [4]
  • Bronze award for innovation 2005: Development of web application 4PM for work management, by Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - Northern Primorska Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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  1. KLJAJIČ BORŠTNAR, Mirjana, KOBAL, Vesna, ILIJAŠ, Tomi: Impacts of implementation of project management information system in a small R&D company – case study, Volume: proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Kranj: Moderna organizacija, 2013
  2. »XVIII. srečanje gospodarstvenikov Primorske, 13. 6. 1013«. Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije.
  3. »Podeljena priznanja najboljšim inovatorjem za leto 2010«. Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije. Pridobljeno 24. aprila 2013.
  4. »Izbor najboljšega IKT projekta«. Društvo slovenska informatika. Pridobljeno 24. aprila 2013.
  • ILIJAŠ, Tomi. PVD - spletno vodenje projektov na odprtokodni platformi. V: IBLOC 2006 : strokovno gradivo : 5. tradicionalna konferenca. Ljubljana: Planet GV, 2006, str. 11-18, tabele. [[COBISS.SI-ID 12172594]]
  • ILIJAŠ, Tomi. Projektno vodenje in upravljanje z dokumenti pri EU projektih. V: SELAN, Milan (ur.), ČUFER, Stanko (ur.), HARTMAN, Marko (ur.), MAČEK, Samo (ur.), JUREČIČ, Marko (ur.). [Posvetovanje] DOK_SIS 2006, Kranjska gora, 20.-22. september 2006. [Sistemi za upravljanje z dokumenti]. Ljubljana: Media.doc, 2006, str. VII-13 - VII-20, tabele. [[COBISS.SI-ID 12172850]]