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Predloga:Infopolje Vojaški poligon/dok

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Uporaba[uredi kodo]

Infopolje Vojaški poligon[uredi kodo]

Poligon Nevada

Jedrski preizkus na Poligonu Nevada novembra 1951 nuclear test at Nevada Test Site.
Vrsta: Območje jedrskega preizkušanja
Lega: 37°07′N, 116°03′W blizu Las Vegasa , Združene države Amerike
Površina: ~3500 km²
Upravljavec: Ministrstvo za energijo Združenih držav Amerike
Status: aktiven
V uporabi: 1951–danes

Lega poligona

Infopolje Vojaški poligon se lahko uporabi za povzetek podatkov o posameznem vojaškem poligonu, npr. za preizkušanje dosega orožja ali jedrskega orožja. V članek ga dodate s predlogo {{Infopolje Vojaški poligon}}, kot je prikazano spodaj:

{{Infopolje Vojaški poligon
  • name – the formal name of the site.
  • imageoptional – an image of the site. The image must be given in the form [[Slika:Example.jpg|300px]]; in particular, the thumb attribute must not be selected.
  • captionoptional – the text to be placed below the image.
  • mapoptional – a map showing the location the site. The map may be given as a raw image; alternately, {{superimpose}} can be used in this field to generate a compound map.
  • map_captionoptional – the text to be placed below the map.
  • type – the type of site.
  • coordinates – the location of the site, given as a coordinate pair by using {{coor dms|dd|mm|ss|N|dd|mm|ss|E|}}.
  • nearest_townoptional – in cases where the location is given as a coordinate pair, the town nearest to the memorial.
  • countryoptional – the country in which the site is located, if not obvious from the other location fields.
  • areaoptional – the total area of the site.
  • operator – the country or other body responsible for operating the site.
  • status – the current status of the site.
  • dates – the period during which the site was in use.
  • remediationoptional – the remediation status of the site, if any.
  • subcritical_testsoptional – for a nuclear test site, the number of subcritical tests conducted; if this is only a few tests, a full list may be given.
  • nuclear_testsoptional – for a nuclear test site, the number of nuclear tests conducted; if this is only a few tests, a full list may be given.
  • thermonuclear_testsoptional – for a nuclear test site, the number of thermonuclear tests conducted; if this is only a few tests, a full list may be given.
  • other_testsoptional – any other tests conducted at the site. If this is only a few tests, a full list may be given; otherwise, an overall count or general description is preferred.