Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas

Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas ali kvadrat Sator je znan latinski palindromni stavek, ki je hkrati tudi besedni magični kvadrat.
Kvadrat ima pet besed:
Približni pomen v slovenščini je: Sejalec Arepo s težavo drži kolesa.
Kvadrat se je prvič pojavil v ruševinah Herkulanea pod Vezuvom leta 79.
Zunanje povezave
[uredi | uredi kodo]- Duncan Fishwick, An Early Christian Cryptogram?(HTML)
- Sator Square, inscribed, Article; the article uses: "Rotas square"
- John T. Cullen, God Holds The Plough, But You Turn The Furrows: Conjecture on the Sator Rebus" (HTML) Arhivirano 2008-05-16 na Wayback Machine."
- "Section of Page and Eloise's Memorial website related to the Sator Square, 1995 (HTML)"
- Magic Square Museum Arhivirano 2008-08-21 na Wayback Machine.: the first Second Life museum about Magic Square. The first flow is about Sator Square. Vulcano (89,35,25)