Predloga:Infopolje Sodišče
![]() | Uporablja Lua: |
{{Infopolje Sodišče}}
can be used to provide at-a-glance information at the start of an article about a court.
[uredi kodo]{{{court_name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{imagesize}}}|alt={{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
[[File:{{{image2}}}|{{{imagesize2}}}|alt={{{alt2}}}]] {{{caption2}}} | |
Ustanovitev | {{{established}}} |
Ukinitev | {{{dissolved}}} |
Sodna oblast | {{{jurisdiction}}} |
Lokacija | {{{location}}} |
Koordinate | {{{coordinates}}} |
Moto | {{{motto}}} |
Način sestave | {{{type}}} |
Izvor pooblastila | {{{authority}}} |
Priziv na | {{{appealsto}}} |
Prizivi iz | {{{appealsfrom}}} |
Trajanje mandata | {{{terms}}} |
Število mest | {{{positions}}} |
Letni proračun | {{{budget}}} |
Jezik | {{{language}}} |
Vrsta tribunala | {{{tribunal-type}}} |
Spletišče | {{{website}}} |
{{{chiefjudgetitle}}} | |
Trenutno | {{{chiefjudgename}}} |
Od | {{{termstart}}} |
Lead position ends | {{{termend}}} |
Jurist term ends | {{{termend2}}} |
{{{chiefjudgetitle2}}} | |
Trenutno | {{{chiefjudgename2}}} |
Od | {{{termstart2}}} |
Lead position ends | {{{termend3}}} |
Jurist term ends | {{{termend4}}} |
{{{chiefjudgetitle3}}} | |
Trenutno | {{{chiefjudgename3}}} |
Od | {{{termstart3}}} |
Lead position ends | {{{termend5}}} |
Jurist term ends | {{{termend6}}} |
Division map | |
[[File:{{{division_map}}}|{{{division_map_size}}}|alt={{{division_map_alt}}}]] | |
{{{division_caption}}} |
{{Infopolje Sodišče | court_name = | native_name = <!-- native name of the court, if different --> | image = | imagesize = | alt = | caption = | image2 = | imagesize2 = | alt2 = | caption2 = | established = <!-- use {{start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | dissolved = <!-- use {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | jurisdiction = <!-- Official jurisdiction --> | location = <!-- city, state/province, country --> | coordinates = <!-- {{coord|45.000|-122.000|display=inline,title}} --> | motto = | type = <!-- partisan election/non-partisan election/legislative selection/executive selection/co-option/etc --> | authority = <!-- constitution/statute/monarch or | at = --> | appealsto = <!-- appeals from this court go where --> | appealsfrom = <!-- appeals from what other courts are heard by this --> | terms = <!-- length of court term for judges --> | positions = <!-- number of positions/seats on court --> | budget = <!-- amount of annual budget --> | language = | tribunal-type = | website = <!-- official website --> | chiefjudgetitle = <!-- title of the top judge such as chief justice/senior judge --> | chiefjudgename = <!-- current chief's name --> | termstart = <!-- year current chief became chief --> | termend = <!-- lead position ends --> | termend2 = <!-- jurist term ends --> | chiefjudgetitle2 = <!-- title of the second top judge if applicable --> | chiefjudgename2 = <!-- current deputy chief's name --> | termstart2 = <!-- year current deputy chief became chief --> | termend3 = <!-- lead position ends --> | termend4 = <!-- jurist term ends --> | chiefjudgetitle3 = <!-- title of the second top judge if applicable --> | chiefjudgename3 = <!-- current deputy chief's name --> | termstart3 = <!-- year current deputy chief became chief --> | termend5 = <!-- lead position ends --> | termend6 = <!-- jurist term ends --> | division_map = <!-- image for a map of division separations, if applicable --> | division_map_size = <!-- size of division map above, if applicable --> | division_map_alt = <!-- alt text for division map above, if applicable --> | division_caption = }}
[uredi kodo]District Court of New South Wales | |
![]() | |
![]() Darlinghurst Courthouse, pictured in 1872, a seat of the District Court | |
Ustanovitev | 1858 |
Sodna oblast | New South Wales |
Lokacija | Full time sittings are held in the Sydney CBD, and at Parramatta, Penrith, Campbelltown, Newcastle, Gosford, Wollongong and Lismore. Part time sittings are held in a range of major regional centres. |
Način sestave | Vice-regal appointment upon nomination by the Premier following the advice of the Attorney General and Cabinet |
Izvor pooblastila | New South Wales Parliament via the Predloga:Cite Legislation AU (formerly the Predloga:Cite Legislation AU) |
Priziv na | Supreme Court of New South Wales |
Prizivi iz | Local Court of New South Wales |
Spletišče | |
Chief Judge | |
Trenutno | Derek Michael Price AM |
Od | 2014 |
{{Infopolje Sodišče | court_name = District Court of New South Wales | image = Coat of Arms of New South Wales.svg | alt = Coat of Arms of New South Wales | image2 = SLNSW 479525 22 Court House Darlinghurst front view SH 571.jpg | alt2 = Darlinghurst Courthouse, pictured in 1872, a seat of the District Court | caption2 = [[Darlinghurst Courthouse]], pictured in 1872, a seat of the District Court | established = 1858 | jurisdiction = [[New South Wales]] | location = Full time sittings are held in the [[Sydney central business district|Sydney CBD]], and at [[Parramatta]], [[Penrith, New South Wales|Penrith]], [[Campbelltown, New South Wales|Campbelltown]], [[Newcastle, New South Wales|Newcastle]], [[Gosford]], [[Wollongong]] and [[Lismore, New South Wales|Lismore]]. Part time sittings are held in a range of major regional centres. | type = [[Governor of New South Wales|Vice-regal]] appointment upon nomination by the [[Premier of New South Wales|Premier]] following the advice of the [[Attorney General of New South Wales|Attorney General]] and [[Executive Council of New South Wales|Cabinet]]<!-- partisan election/non-partisan election/legislative selection/executive selection/co-option/etc --> | authority = [[Parliament of New South Wales|New South Wales Parliament]] via the {{Cite Legislation AU|NSW|act||District Court Act 1973}} (formerly the {{Cite Legislation AU|NSW|act||District Courts Act 1858}})<!-- constitution/statute/monarch--> | appealsto = [[Supreme Court of New South Wales]] <!-- appeals from this court go where --> | appealsfrom = [[Local Court of New South Wales]]<!-- appeals from what other courts are heard by this --> | website = []<!-- official website --> | chiefjudgetitle = Chief Judge<!-- title of the top judge such as chief justice/senior judge --> | chiefjudgename = Derek Michael Price {{post-nominals|country=AUS|AM}}<!-- current chief's name --> | termstart = 2014<!-- year current chief became chief --> }}
[uredi kodo]Koda HTML, ki jo producira ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča računalnikom, da razčlenijo podatke o organizaciji. Ta proces je bodisi samodejen, za katalogiziranje člankov v Wikipediji, bodisi na ročno zahtevo bralca s pomočjo orodja v brskalniku, ki na primer doda organizacijo v adresar.
[uredi kodo]- V kolikor ima organizacija "datum ustanovitve", "datum odprtja" ali podoben datum, uporabite {{Start date}} (razen, če je datum nastanka pred letom 1583 n. št.).
- Če ima organizacija URL, uporabite {{URL}}.
- Če ima organizacija polje "coordinates", uporabite {{Koord novi}} da vključite Geo mikroformat, kar omogoči združitev koordinat (zemljepisna širina & dolžina). S tem omogočimo, da se lahko koordinate poišče na zamljevidu ali vnese v sistem GPS.
Prosimo, da ne odstranite primerov podpredlog.
[uredi kodo]hCard uporablja naslednje HTML razrede (classes):
- adr
- agent
- category
- country-name
- extended-address
- fn
- geo
- label
- latitude
- locality
- longitude
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Prosimo ne preimenujte ali odstranite zgoraj navedene razrede.
[uredi kodo]TemplateData za Infopolje Sodišče
infobox template for courts
Parameter | Opis | Vrsta | Stanje | |
court_name | court_name | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
native_name | native_name | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
image | image | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
imagesize | imagesize | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
alt | alt | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
caption | caption | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
image2 | image2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
imagesize2 | imagesize2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
alt2 | alt2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
caption2 | caption2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
established | established | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
dissolved | dissolved | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
coordinates | coordinates | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
motto | motto | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
at | at | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
authority | authority | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
appealsto | appealsto appeals | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
appealsfrom | appealsfrom | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
terms | terms | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
positions | positions | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
budget | budget | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
language | language | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
tribunal-type | tribunal-type | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
website | website | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
chiefjudgetitle | chiefjudgetitle | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
chiefjudgename | chiefjudgename | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termstart | termstart | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termend | termend | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termend2 | termend2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
chiefjudgetitle2 | chiefjudgetitle2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
chiefjudgename2 | chiefjudgename2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termstart2 | termstart2 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termend3 | termend3 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termend4 | termend4 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
jurisdiction | jurisdiction | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
location | location | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
type | type | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
chiefjudgetitle3 | chiefjudgetitle3 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
chiefjudgename3 | chiefjudgename3 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termstart3 | termstart3 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termend5 | termend5 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
termend6 | termend6 | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
division_map | division_map | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
division_map_size | division_map_size | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
division_map_alt | division_map_alt | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
division_caption | division_caption | brez opisa | Neznano | neobvezno |
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