Predloga:Infopolje Jez/peskovnik
![]() | To je stran za peskovnik predloge za Predloga:Infopolje Jez (razl). Glej tudi podstran za testniprimeri. |
![]() | Uporablja Lua: |
[uredi kodo]Use the following infobox for all types of hydroelectric power stations involving dams. For all types of pumped-storage, wave, and tidal power stations, please use {{Infobox power station}}.
{{{name}}} | |
![]() {{{image_caption}}} | |
{{{location_map_caption}}} | |
Uradno ime | {{{name_official}}} |
Država | {{{country}}} |
Lega | {{{location}}} |
Koordinati | 0°0′0″N 0°0′0″E / 0.00000°N 0.00000°E |
Namen | {{{purpose}}} |
Status | {{{status}}} |
Začetek gradnje | {{{construction_began}}} |
Datum odprtja | {{{opening}}} |
Datum rušenja | {{{demolished}}} |
Stroški gradnje | {{{cost}}} |
Lastniki | {{{owner}}} |
Upravljalec | {{{operator}}} |
Jez in prelivi | |
Tip jeza | {{{dam_type}}} |
Zajezena vodna površina | {{{dam_crosses}}} |
Višina (temelji) | {{{dam_height_foundation}}} |
Višina (globočnica) | {{{dam_height_thalweg}}} |
Dolžina | {{{dam_length}}} |
Nadm.višina vrha pregrade | {{{dam_elevation_crest}}} |
Širina (vrh pregrade) | {{{dam_width_crest}}} |
Širina (base) | {{{dam_width_base}}} |
Dam volume | {{{dam_volume}}} |
Prilivi | {{{spillway_count}}} |
Tip preliva | {{{spillway_type}}} |
Kapaciteta preliva | {{{spillway_capacity}}} |
Zbiralnik | |
Dotok | {{{res_name}}} |
Skupna prostornina | {{{res_capacity_total}}} |
Aktivna prostornina | {{{res_capacity_active}}} |
Neaktivna prostornina | {{{res_capacity_inactive}}} |
Prispevno območje | {{{res_catchment}}} |
Površina | {{{res_surface}}} |
Max. dolžina | {{{res_max_length}}} |
Max. širina | {{{res_max_width}}} |
Max. globina vode | {{{res_max_depth}}} |
Običajna nadm.višina | {{{res_elevation}}} |
Amplituda plimovanja | {{{res_tidal_range}}} |
Elektrarna | |
Ime | {{{plant_name}}} |
Koordinati | 1°1′1″N 1°1′1″E / 1.01694°N 1.01694°E |
Upravljalec | {{{plant_operator}}} |
Začetek uporabe | {{{plant_commission}}} |
Izvzeta iz uporabe | {{{plant_decommission}}} |
Tip | {{{plant_type}}} |
Hydraulic head | {{{plant_hydraulic_head}}} |
Turbine | {{{plant_turbines}}} |
Installed capacity | {{{plant_capacity}}} |
Capacity factor | {{{plant_capacity_factor}}} |
Letna proizvodnja | {{{plant_annual_gen}}} |
Spletna stran {{{website}}} | |
{{{extra}}} |
{{Infopolje Jez | name = | name_official = | image = | image_size = | image_caption = | image_alt = | location_map = | location_map_size = | location_map_caption = | location_map_alt = | lat_d = | lat_m = | lat_s = | lat_NS = | long_d = | long_m = | long_s = | long_EW = | coordinates_type = type:landmark | coordinates_display = inline,title | country = | location = | purpose = | status = | construction_began = | opening = | demolished = | cost = | owner = | operator = | dam_type = | dam_crosses = | dam_height_foundation= | dam_height_thalweg = | dam_length = | dam_elevation_crest = | dam_width_crest = | dam_width_base = | dam_volume = | spillway_count = | spillway_type = | spillway_capacity = | res_name = | res_capacity_total = | res_capacity_active = | res_capacity_inactive= | res_catchment = | res_surface = | res_max_length = | res_max_width = | res_max_depth = | res_elevation = | res_tidal_range = | plant_name = | plant_lat_d = | plant_lat_m = | plant_lat_s = | plant_lat_NS = | plant_long_d = | plant_long_m = | plant_long_s = | plant_long_EW = | plant_operator = | plant_commission = | plant_decommission = | plant_type = | plant_hydraulic_head = | plant_turbines = | plant_capacity = | plant_capacity_factor= | plant_annual_gen = | website = | extra = }}
Imenaparametrov in opisi
[uredi kodo]Ime parametra | Opis |
name | Ime jeza. |
name_official | Uradno ime, če je različno od name. Preferably in native language. |
image | Image filename, without File: parameter. Animated (.gif) and media files (.ogv) are also allowed. |
image_size | Value to overrides the default 250px. |
image_caption | Caption beneath image. |
image_alt | Alternative text for image. |
location_map | Name of a location map file. The coordinates must be specified as well (see below). |
location_map_size | Value to overrides the default 250px. |
location_map_caption | Caption beneath location map. |
location_map_alt | Alternative text for location map. |
lat_d | Latitude degrees. |
lat_m | Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. |
lat_s | Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. |
lat_NS | Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S ). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
long_d | Longitude degrees. |
long_m | Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. |
long_s | Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. |
long_EW | Longitude East or West (enter E or W ). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
coordinates_type | Optional parameter to add additional coordinate functions. See here for more details. |
coordinates_display | Display the coordinates inline or title, or both as inline,title. |
country | Country where the facility is located. Do not use flag icons. |
location | General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed. |
purpose | Purpose of the dam(s). Common reasons are power, irrigation, flood control, navigation. If there are several purposes, consider using: Multi-purpose . Field codes: F =Flood control, I =Irrigation,, |
status | Current status of the project. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields:D =Decommissioned, O =Operational, P =Proposed, UC =Under construction.
construction_began | Date construction began, consider using {{Start date}}. |
opening | Date, or future date, of inauguration. Consider using {{Start date}}. |
demolished | Date of demolition (i.e. removal or destruction of dam). Consider using {{End date}}. |
cost | Total cost of development. |
owner | Owner(s) of the dam. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage if possible. Example: Owner1: 60% <br/>Owner2: 40%
operator | Operator(s) of the dam. Only use this parameter if it is different from the owner(s) of the dam. |
dam_type | Type of dam. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: A =Arch dam, B =Barrage, E =Embankment dam, F =Earth-fill dam, G =Gravity dam, AG =Arch-gravity dam.
dam_crosses | Body of river or stream below dam |
dam_height | Height of dam. Deprecated parameter; use only if dam_height_foundation or dam_height_thalweg is not known.
dam_height_foundation | Height over foundation bed, with metric conversions. |
dam_height_thalweg | Height over thalweg (riverbed), with metric conversions. |
dam_length | Length of dam crown, with metric conversions. |
dam_elevation_crest | Height of the dam's crest above sea level, with metric conversions. |
dam_width_crest | Width at crest of dam, with metric conversions. |
dam_width_base | Width at base of dam, with metric conversions. |
dam_volume | Volume of material in the dam structure. |
spillway_count | Number of spillways. |
spillway_type | Type of spillway. |
spillway_capacity | Capacity of spillway. |
res_name | Name of upstream body of water, if different than "dam_crosses". |
res_capacity_total | Capacity of reservoir, i.e. megalitres. |
res_capacity_active | The active, live or useful capacity (storage) of the reservoir. |
res_capacity_inactive | The inactive or dead capacity (storage) of the reservoir. |
res_catchment | Area of catchment for reservoir. |
res_surface | Surface area (top water level) of reservoir. |
res_max_length | Length of the reservoir at normal levels, with metric conversions. |
res_max_width | Maximum width of the reservoir at normal levels, perpendicular to length. With metric conversions. |
res_max_depth | Maximum water depth of reservoir. |
res_elevation | The reservoir's height above sea level at normal levels, ith metric conversions. |
res_tidal_range | Tidal range, if applicable. |
plant_name | Name of plant, if applicable. |
plant_operator | Operator(s) of the hydroelectric power plant. |
plant_lat_d | Latitude degrees. |
plant_lat_m | Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. |
plant_lat_s | Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. |
plant_lat_NS | Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S ). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format.
plant_long_d | Longitude degrees. |
plant_long_m | Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. |
plant_long_s | Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. |
plant_long_EW | Longitude East or West (enter E or W ). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format.
plant_commission | Power plant commissioning date. May be different than dam opening date. |
plant_decommission | Power plant decommissioning date. May be different than dam closing date. |
plant_type | Type of hydroelectric power station. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: C =Conventional, P =Pumped-storage, R =Run-of-the-river, T =Tidal barrage.
plant_hydraulic_head | Hydraulic head at power station. |
plant_turbines | Number of turbines, with respective rated capacity. |
plant_capacity | Current gross installed capacity in megawatts, or planned capacity for those under development. For those which are operational, but with additional under development, please add only the current installed value. |
plant_capacity_factor | Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage. |
plant_annual_gen | Average annual gross power generation. For a single-year value, adding the year in brackets is encouraged. |
website | Raw wikitext for entering website(s). Use [brackets] where appropriate |
extras | Free form, spans both columns. Use sparingly. |
[uredi kodo]The coordinates can be specified using one of three different methods
- lat_d, lat_m, lat_s, lat_NS, long_d, long_m, long_s, long_EW – For DMS style coordinates which can be used specify the pushpin in a {{Location map}}.
- lat_d and long_d – for decimal style coordinates which can be used to specify the pushpin in a {{Location map}}.
- coordinates – with a {{coord}} template which cannot be used with the
{{Location map}}
See Wikipedia:WikiProject Geographical coordinates#Parameters for more details about setting the coordinates_type.
[uredi kodo]HTML-koda, ki jo sestavi ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča strojno razčlenjevanje imen in naslovov, na primer za katalogiziranje člankov ali vključevanje podatkov o subjektu v adresar.
Znotraj hCarda mikroformat Geo, ki omogoča še strojno razčlenjevanje koordinat (zemljepisna širina in dolžina), zato jih je denimo možno preveriti na digitalnem zemljevidu ali spraviti v GPS-napravo.
Če opisujete kraj, ki ima datum ustanovitve oz. odprtja, uporabite {{Start date}}. Če ima spletno stran, uporabite {{URL}}.
Hcard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- adr
- agent
- category
- county-name
- extended-address
- fn
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Geo je produkt klica predloge {{koord}} in uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- geo
- latitude
- longitude
Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranjujte teh razredov.
Ob podajanju koordinat se prosimo izogibajte pretirani natančnosti.
[uredi kodo]Infobox for a dam
Parameter | Opis | Vrsta | Stanje | |
Name | name | Name of dam | Niz | neobvezno |
Official name | name_official | Official name, if different from name. Preferably in native language. | Niz | neobvezno |
Image caption | image_caption | Caption beneath image. | Niz | neobvezno |
Image alternative text | image_alt | Alternative text for image. | Niz | neobvezno |
Location map caption | location_map_caption | Caption beneath location map. | Niz | neobvezno |
Location map alternative text | location_map_alt | Alternative text for location map. | Niz | neobvezno |
Latitude degrees | lat_d | Latitude degrees. | Niz | neobvezno |
Latitude minutes | lat_m | Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Latitude seconds | lat_s | Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. | Niz | neobvezno |
Latitude N/S | lat_NS | Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Longitude degrees | long_d | Longitude degrees. | Niz | neobvezno |
Longitude minutes | long_m | Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Longitude seconds | long_s | Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. | Niz | neobvezno |
Longitude E/W | long_EW | Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Coordinates type | coordinates_type | Optional parameter to add additional coordinate functions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Coordinate display location | coordinates_display | Display the coordinates inline or title, or both as inline,title. | Niz | neobvezno |
Country | country | Country where the facility is located. Do not use flag icons. | Niz | neobvezno |
Location | location | General area where located. Avoid being overly-detailed. | Niz | neobvezno |
Purpose | purpose | Purpose of the dam(s). Common reasons are power, irrigation, flood control, navigation. If there are several purposes, consider using: Multi-purpose. Field codes: F=Flood control, I=Irrigation,, N=Navigation, P=Power. | Niz | neobvezno |
Status | status | Current status of the project. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: D=Decommissioned, O=Operational, P=Proposed, UC=Under construction. | Niz | neobvezno |
Construction began | construction_began | Date construction began, consider using {{Start date}}. | Niz | neobvezno |
Opening date | opening | Date, or future date, of inauguration. Consider using {{Start date}}. | Niz | neobvezno |
Demolished date | demolished | Date of demolition (i.e. removal or destruction of dam). Consider using {{End date}}. | Niz | neobvezno |
Cost | cost | Total cost of development. | Niz | neobvezno |
Owner | owner | Owner(s) of the dam. Consider limiting to the top two, and include ownership percentage if possible.
| Niz | neobvezno |
Operator | operator | Operator(s) of the dam. Only use this parameter if it is different from the owner(s) of the dam. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam type | dam_type | Type of dam. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: A=Arch dam, B=Barrage, E=Embankment dam, F=Earth-fill dam, G=Gravity dam, AG=Arch-gravity dam. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam crosses | dam_crosses | Body of river or stream below dam | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam height over foundation | dam_height_foundation | Height over foundation bed, with metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam height over thalweg | dam_height_thalweg | Height over thalweg (riverbed), with metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam length | dam_length | Length of dam crown, with metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam elevation crest | dam_elevation_crest | Height of the dam's crest above sea level, with metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam width crest | dam_width_crest | Width at crest of dam, with metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam width at base | dam_width_base | Width at base of dam, with metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Dam volume | dam_volume | Volume of material in the dam structure. | Niz | neobvezno |
Spillway count | spillway_count | Number of spillways. | Številka | neobvezno |
Spillway type | spillway_type | Type of spillway. | Niz | neobvezno |
Spillway capacity | spillway_capacity | Capacity of spillway. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir name | res_name | Name of upstream body of water, if different than "dam_crosses". | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir capacity | res_capacity_total | Capacity of reservoir, i.e. megalitres. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir active capacity | res_capacity_active | The active, live or useful capacity (storage) of the reservoir. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir inactive capacity | res_capacity_inactive | The inactive or dead capacity (storage) of the reservoir. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir catchment area | res_catchment | Area of catchment for reservoir. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir surface area | res_surface | Surface area (top water level) of reservoir. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir maximum length | res_max_length | Length of the reservoir at normal levels, with metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir maximum width | res_max_width | Maximum width of the reservoir at normal levels, perpendicular to length. With metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir maximum depth | res_max_depth | Maximum water depth of reservoir. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir elevation | res_elevation | The reservoir's height above sea level at normal levels, ith metric conversions. | Niz | neobvezno |
Reservoir tidal range | res_tidal_range | Tidal range, if applicable. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant name | plant_name | Name of plant, if applicable. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant operator | plant_operator | Operator(s) of the hydroelectric power plant. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant latitude degrees | plant_lat_d | Latitude degrees. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant latitude minutes | plant_lat_m | Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant latitude seconds | plant_lat_s | Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant latitude N/S | plant_lat_NS | Northern or Southern latitude (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if lat_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant longitude degrees | plant_long_d | Longitude degrees. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant longitude minutes | plant_long_m | Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant longitude seconds | plant_long_s | Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. Remember to avoid being overly precise. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant longitude E/W | plant_long_EW | Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if long_d is in decimal format. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant commissioning date | plant_commission | Power plant commissioning date. May be different than dam opening date. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant decommissioning date | plant_decommission | Power plant decommissioning date. May be different than dam closing date. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant type | plant_type | Type of hydroelectric power station. Enter any one of the following auto-expanding fields: C=Conventional, P=Pumped-storage, R=Run-of-the-river, T=Tidal barrage. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant hydraulic head | plant_hydraulic_head | Hydraulic head at power station. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant turbine count/capacity | plant_turbines | Number of turbines, with respective rated capacity. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant generation capacity | plant_capacity | Installed generation capacity, measured in megawatts (MW). | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant capacity factor | plant_capacity_factor | Capacity factor of the power station, in percentage. | Niz | neobvezno |
Plant annual power generation | plant_annual_gen | Average annual power generation of the previous year. Measured in gigawatt-hours (GWh) | Niz | neobvezno |
Website | website | Raw wikitext for entering website(s). Use [brackets] where appropriate | Vsebina | neobvezno |
Extra data | extra | Free form, spans both columns. Use sparingly. | Niz | neobvezno |