Predloga:Infopolje Verska zgradba
Ta predloga je namenjena verskim zgradbam, ki niso krščanske cerkve. Namenjena je tudi informacijam o arhitekturnih detajlih krščanskih cerkev. Za infopolje, ki ponija informacijo o krščanski cerkvi, vključno z zgodovino, arhitekturo in osebjem, uporabite {{Infopolje Cerkev}}.
![]() | Uporablja Lua: |
[uredi kodo]{{{name}}} | |
{{{native_name}}} | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|alt={{{alt}}}]] {{{caption}}} | |
Religija | |
Pripadnost | {{{religious_affiliation}}} |
Okrožje | {{{district}}} |
Prefektura | {{{prefecture}}} |
Provinca | {{{province}}} |
Region | {{{region}}} |
Božanstvo | {{{deity}}} |
Obred | {{{rite}}} |
Festival | {{{festival}}} |
Cerkveni ali organizacijski status | {{{organisational_status}}} or {{{type}}} for Shinto |
Vodstvo | {{{leadership}}} |
Patron | {{{patron}}} |
Leto posvetitve | {{{consecration_year}}} |
Status | {{{functional_status}}} |
{{{religious_features_label}}} | {{{religious_features}}} |
Lega | |
Kraj | {{{location}}} |
Občina | {{{municipality}}} |
Cercle | {{{cercle}}} |
Zvezna država | {{{state}}} |
Država | {{{country}}} |
Sektor | {{{sector}}} |
Teritorij | {{{territory}}} |
Prefektura | {{{prefecture}}} |
Uprava | {{{administration}}} |
Arhitektura | |
Arhitekti | {{{architect}}} |
Tip | {{{architecture_type}}} |
Vrsta arhitekture | {{{architecture_style}}} |
Zgradil | {{{founded_by}}} |
Financer | {{{funded_by}}} |
Glavni izvajalec del | {{{general_contractor}}} |
Začetek gradnje | {{{groundbreaking}}} |
Konec gradnje | {{{year_completed}}} |
Stroški | {{{construction_cost}}} |
Lastnosti | |
Direction of façade | {{{facade_direction}}} |
Zmogljivost | {{{capacity}}} |
Dolžina | {{{length}}} |
Širina | {{{width}}} |
Širina ladje | {{{width_nave}}} |
Maks. višina | {{{height_max}}} |
Št. kupol | {{{dome_quantity}}} |
Zunanja višina kupole | {{{dome_height_outer}}} |
Notranja višina kupole | {{{dome_height_inner}}} |
Zunanji premer kupole | {{{dome_dia_outer}}} |
Noranji premer kupole | {{{dome_dia_inner}}} |
Minareti | {{{minaret_quantity}}} |
Višina minaretov | {{{minaret_height}}} |
Št. zvonikov | {{{spire_quantity}}} |
Višina zvonika | {{{spire_height}}} |
Materiali | {{{materials}}} |
Nadm. višina | 0 m (0 ft){{{elevation_footnotes}}} |
U.S. National Historic Landmark | |
Dodano v NRHP | {{{added}}} |
NRHP ref. št. | {{{refnum}}} |
Razglašeno za NHL | {{{designated}}} |
Prej Napačna razglasitev | |
Official name: {{{designation1_offname}}} | |
Tip | {{{designation1_type}}} |
Kriterij | {{{designation1_criteria}}} |
Razglasitev | {{{designation1_date}}} |
Ukinitev | {{{delisted1_date}}} |
Parent listing | {{{designation1_parent}}} |
Ref. št. | {{{designation1_number}}} |
{{{designation1_free1name}}} | {{{designation1_free1value}}} |
{{{designation1_free2name}}} | {{{designation1_free2value}}} |
{{{designation1_free3name}}} | {{{designation1_free3value}}} |
Prej Napačna razglasitev | |
Official name: {{{designation2_offname}}} | |
Tip | {{{designation2_type}}} |
Kriterij | {{{designation2_criteria}}} |
Razglasitev | {{{designation2_date}}} |
Ukinitev | {{{delisted2_date}}} |
Parent listing | {{{designation2_parent}}} |
Ref. št. | {{{designation2_number}}} |
{{{designation2_free1name}}} | {{{designation2_free1value}}} |
{{{designation2_free2name}}} | {{{designation2_free2value}}} |
{{{designation2_free3name}}} | {{{designation2_free3value}}} |
Spletna stran | |
{{{website}}} |
{{Infopolje Verska zgradba | name = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | image = | image_upright = | alt = | caption = | map_type = | map_size = | map_alt = | map_relief = | map_caption = | coordinates = | coordinates_footnotes = | religious_affiliation = | locale = | location = | deity = | rite = | sect = | tradition = | festival = <!--ali | festivals = --> | cercle = | sector = | municipality = | district = | territory = | prefecture = | state = | province = | region = | country = | administration = | consecration_year = | organisational_status = <!-ali | organizational_status = --> | functional_status = | heritage_designation = | ownership = | governing_body = | leadership = | bhattaraka = | patron = | religious_features_label = | religious_features = | architect = | architecture_type = | architecture_style = | founded_by = | creator = | funded_by = | general_contractor = | established = | groundbreaking = | year_completed = | construction_cost = | date_demolished = <!-- ali | date_destroyed = --> | facade_direction = | capacity = | length = | width = | width_nave = | interior_area = | height_max = | dome_quantity = | dome_height_outer = | dome_height_inner = | dome_dia_outer = | dome_dia_inner = | minaret_quantity = | minaret_height = | spire_quantity = | spire_height = | site_area = | temple_quantity = | monument_quantity = | shrine_quantity = | inscriptions = | materials = | elevation_m = <!-- ali | elevation_ft = --> | elevation_footnotes = | nrhp = | designated = | added = | refnum = | footnotes = | website = }}
[uredi kodo]Names:
- name — the name of the building
- native_name — name in local language. If more than one, separate using {{Plain list}}
- native_name_lang — ISO 639-2 code e.g. "fr" for French. If more than one, use {{lang}} instead
- image — the image file name of the building
- image_upright — Scales the image thumbnail from its default size by the given factor. Values less than 1 scale the image down (0.9 = 90%) and values greater than 1 scale the image up (1.15 = 115%).
- alt — alt text for image, for visually impaired readers; see WP:ALT
- caption — descriptive caption to display under the image
- religious_affiliation — the religion and/or denomination the building is used for
- deity – the primary deity to whom the building is dedicated
- rite — the rite of worship, (Note: for use primarily in under Orthodox Judaism synagogues; i.e. Ashkenazi, Sephardi, etc.)
- festival — any major festival associated with the building
- patron — the patron saint or title of the building, if any (i.e. Saint Peter or The Sacred Heart)
Location and religious organisation:
- region — the region the building is located in
- state — the state that the building is in
- province — the province the building is located in
- territory — the territory in which the building is located
- prefecture — the prefecture the building is located in
- leadership — the current person in charge of the building (i.e. Archbishop X or Reverend A.)
- district — the district the building belongs to (i.e. the United Methodist Church uses districts for organizational purposes)
- sector — the sector that the building is in
- cercle — the cercle that the building is in
- municipality — the municipality that the building is in
History and status:
- consecration_year — the year the building was consecrated
- status — the building's current ecclesiastical or organizational status or the last previous ecclesiastical or organizational status the building held, if currently unused. (i.e. oratory, basilica, cathedral, monastery, temple, most holy site) Use
for Shinto shrines - functional_status — the current function or usage of the building. (i.e. active, abandoned, preserved, museum)
- religious_features — architectural features related to the religion; religious_features_label - label can be set
- map_type — uses the {{Location map}} format maps with the latitude and longitude fields, specify the map to use
- map_size — Default: 220px, sets a specific size to the map
- map_caption — descriptive caption to display under the map
- location — provide at least city, state/province, and country location information
- coordinates — use the {{koord novi}} to display the geographic location of the building
- heritage_designation — the year the building attained Heritage Status
- architecture — Default: yes, hide or show the architecture section by putting yes or no
- architect — the primary architects of the building, there's no need to indicate architects with minimal influence in the infobox, but the article would serve as a better place for mention of other architects
- architecture_type — what the building was originally designed to be (i.e. Chapel, Basilica, Cathedral).
- architecture_style — the architectural style of the building
- facade_direction — the direction the facade (i.e. North, South, East, West)
- groundbreaking — the year that construction began
- year_completed — the year that construction was completed
- construction_cost — the total cost of construction
- capacity — the maximum number of worshipers the building can hold
- length — the length of the building from the outside, using {{convert}}
- width — the width of the building from the outside, using {{convert}}
- width_nave — the width of the nave, using {{convert}}
- height_max — the heights point of the building, using {{convert}}
- dome_quantity — the number of domes
- dome_height_outer — the outer height of the dome, using {{convert}}
- dome_height_inner — the inner height of the dome, using {{convert}}
- dome_dia_outter — the outer diameter of the dome, using {{convert}}
- dome_dia_inner — the inner diameter of the dome, using {{convert}}
- minaret_quantity — the number of minarets
- minaret_height — the minaret height, using {{convert}}
- spire_quantity — the number of spires
- spire_height — the spire height, using {{convert}}
- materials — the materials used for construction
Heritage and NRHP:
- nrhp — put yes into this field in order to show the National Register section (Note: the section will not display without this parameter)
- added — when the building was added to the National Register
- refnum — the reference number assigned by the National Register
- designated — when the building was designated as a National Historic Landmark
- elevation_m — elevation from sea level
- elevation_footnotes — reference in support of elevation
- website — the current and official website for the building and congregation, can use {{URL}}
Religious affiliation and its color
[uredi kodo]The input for |religious_affiliation=
will show literally, including wikilinks and other texts, as you enter them. The lefthand label is Affiliation.
Also, the same input is used to set the color of the header and subheaders. If the |religious_affiliation=
input matches any of the following values, the background color will be set accordingly. One can copy/paste an affiliation from this list (including the wikilink [[ ]] brackets).
For Christian churches, consider using {{Infopolje Cerkev}} instead of this template.
Religious affiliation in {{Infopolje Verska zgradba}} (pogovor) | Color style |
<blank> | |
[[Armenian Apostolic church]] [[Armenian Apostolic Church]] [[AAC]] | #FFCF00
[[Anglican]] [[Anglicanism|Anglican]] [[Anglicanism]] [[Episcopal Church in the United States of America]] [[Episcopal Church in the United States of America|ECUSA]] [[Episcopal Church (United States)]] [[Episcopal Church (United States)|Episcopal Church]] [[Church of England]] | #EBB0DE
[[Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria|Coptic Orthodox Church]] [[Coptic Orthodox Church]] [[Coptic]] | #56A8FF
[[Buddhist]] [[Buddhism]] [[Chan Buddhism]] [[Theravada]] [[Theravada]] [[Buddhism]] [[Zen Buddhism]] | #FFCC33
[[Tibetan Buddhism]] | #800547; color: #FFD068;
[[Hinduizem]], [[Ecumenism]] [[Hindu]] [[Hinduism]] | #FFC569
[[Islam]] | #9BE89B
[[Džainizem]] | #F5DEB3
[[Haredski judaizem]] [[Hasidski judaizem]] [[Ortodoksni judaizem]] [[Moderni ortodoksni judaizem]] [[Konzervativni judaizem]] [[Neološki judaizem]] | #9BB4EB
[[Obnovitveni judaizem]] [[Reformni judaizem]] | #D3D3D3
[[Judaizem]] | #D3D3D3
[[Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic]] [[Roman Catholic Church]] [[Roman Catholic]] [[Catholic Church]] [[Catholic Church|Roman Catholic]] [[Catholic]] | #FFCC99
[[Ahmadiyya]] [[Ahmadi]] [[Ahmadiyya Islam]] [[Ahmadiyya|Ahmadi]] | #CCFFCC
[[Shia Islam|Shia]] [[Shia Islam|Shia (Twelver)]] [[Shia Islam]] [[Shia]] | #ABE9CC
[[Ahl al-Hadith]] [[Ahle Hadith]] [[Barelvi]] [[Deobandi]] [[Hanafi]] [[Shafi'i]] [[Shafi'i|Sunni (Shafi'i)]] [[Sunni Islam|Sunni]] [Sunitski islam]] [[Sunni]] | #CCFFCC
[[Abkhazian Orthodox Church]] [[Eastern Orthodox]] [[Georgian Orthodox]] [[Georgian Orthodox Church]] [[Georgian Orthodox Church|Georgian Orthodox]] [[Greek Orthodox Church]] [[Russian Orthodox]] [[Bulgarian Orthodox Church]] [[Bulgarian Orthodox]] [[Czech and Slovak Orthodox]] [[Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church]] [[Romanian Orthodox Church]] [[Romanian Orthodox]] [[Serbian Orthodox Church]] [[Serbian Orthodox]] | #FFCF00
[[Syriac Orthodox]] [[Syriac Catholic]] [[Maronite Catholic]] [[Chaldean Catholic]] [[Assyrian Church of the East]] | #CCB2FF
[[Baháʼí Faith|Baháʼí]] [[Baháʼí]] [[Baháʼí Faith]] | #FF8C00
[[Sikhism]] | #FFC600
[[Šinto]] | #A12F25; color: #FFF;
[[Taoism]] | #505858; color: #FFF;
anything else | #D3D3D3
- Complete option set as of 2019-05-17
Zemljevidi in koordinate
[uredi kodo]The coordinates=
parameter is used to display coordinates in the infobox, and optionally at the top of the page. Use the {{koord novi}} template.
{{Infopolje Verska zgradba ... | coordinates = <!-- Use the {{Koord novi}} template --> | map_type = <!-- Location name used for Template:Location map --> | map_alt = <!-- Alternative text for map image, see WP:ALT for details --> | map_caption = <!-- Text to be displayed below map; for no caption enter "map_caption="; if the parameter is omitted then the caption will be "Marker text (location map name)" --> | relief = <!-- Any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available --> ... }}
[uredi kodo]Detailed designation information (WP:NRHP and other):
|designation...= parameters | |
Prej Napačna razglasitev | |
Official name: des1_offname | |
Tip | des1_type |
Kriterij | des1_criteria |
Razglasitev | des1_date |
Ukinitev | delisted1_date |
Parent listing | des1_parent |
Ref. št. | des1_number |
des1_free1name | des1_free1value |
des1_free2name | des1_free2value |
des1_free3name | des1_free3value |
Prej Napačna razglasitev | |
Official name: des2_offname | |
Tip | des2_type |
Kriterij | des2_criteria |
Razglasitev | des2_date |
Ukinitev | delisted2_date |
Parent listing | des2_parent |
Ref. št. | des2_number |
des2_free1name | des2_free1value |
des2_free2name | des2_free2value |
des2_free3name | des2_free3value |
| nrhp = | designated = | added = | designation1 = | delisted1_date = | designation1_offname = | designation1_type = | designation1_criteria = | designation1_date = | designation1_parent = | designation1_number = | designation1_free1name = | designation1_free1value = | designation1_free2name = | designation1_free2value = | designation1_free3name = | designation1_free3value = | designation2 = | delisted2_date = | designation2_offname = | designation2_type = | designation2_criteria = | designation2_date = | designation2_parent = | designation2_number = | designation2_free1name = | designation2_free1value = | designation2_free2name = | designation2_free2value = | designation2_free3name = | designation2_free3value =
Religion-dependent effects
[uredi kodo]- (to be described)
[uredi kodo]HTML-koda, ki jo sestavi ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča strojno razčlenjevanje imen in naslovov, na primer za katalogiziranje člankov ali vključevanje podatkov o subjektu v adresar.
Znotraj hCarda mikroformat Geo, ki omogoča še strojno razčlenjevanje koordinat (zemljepisna širina in dolžina), zato jih je denimo možno preveriti na digitalnem zemljevidu ali spraviti v GPS-napravo.
Če opisujete kraj, ki ima datum ustanovitve oz. odprtja, uporabite {{Start date}}. Če ima spletno stran, uporabite {{URL}}.
Hcard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- adr
- agent
- category
- county-name
- extended-address
- fn
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
Geo je produkt klica predloge {{koord}} in uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
- geo
- latitude
- longitude
Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranjujte teh razredov.
Ob podajanju koordinat se prosimo izogibajte pretirani natančnosti.
Known issues
[uredi kodo]- To be documented:
Sledilne kategorije
[uredi kodo]- Kategorija:Strani, ki uporabljajo Infopolje Verska zgradba z neznanimi parametri (13)
- Kategorija:Infopolje Verska zgradba brez parametra affiliation (133)
- Kategorija:Brez lokalne slike, slika je v Wikipodatkih (22.079)
Podporne predloge
[uredi kodo]The following templates are used directly from this template:
- {{Infobox}}
- {{Infopolje Verska zgradba/color}}
- {{Both}}
- {{Br separated entries}}
- {{Convert}}
- {{Designation/divbox}}
- {{If empty}}
- {{Location map}}
- {{Main other}}
- {{Wikidata image}}
[uredi kodo]TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Glejte mesečno poročilo o uporabi parametrov za to predlogo.
TemplateData za Infopolje Verska zgradba an infobox for articles about religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, etc.)
Glej tudi
[uredi kodo]- {{Infopolje Cerkev}}