Anakin Skywalker: Razlika med redakcijama

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Redakcija: 15:18, 14. julij 2006

Predloga:SW Character Anakin Skywalker (41 BBY4 ABY) je Namišljeni lik v namišljenem vesolju Vojne Zvezd. Je eden ključnih protagonistov v zgodvi Vojne Zvezd. Anakin je bil Jedi učenec, katerega je treniral in učil Obi-Wan Kenobi, in kasneje Jedi Vitez v prequel trilogiji, kjer je bil glavni junak v teh treh filmih. Je oče dveh otrok: Luke Skywalker je njegov sin, Leia Organa pa njegova hči.

Anakin je kasneje poznan kot Darth Vader, Sithovsko ime, ki si ga je prislužil ko je padel na Temno Stran Sile v Epizodi III. kamor ga je zvabil Sith Gospodar Darth Sidious/Palpatine, s čimer je Anakin postal njegov učenec pod svojim novim imenom. V Epizodah IV in V, se Anakin (kot Vader) pojavlja kot ključen in centralni negativec. Kakorkoli, njegova dejanja ob zaključku sage v filmu Epizoda VI ga razkrijejo in utrdijo kot tragičnega junaka.



Otroštvo in odkritje Anakina Skywalkerja

Anakin Skywalker kot deček na Tatooinu.

Anakin se sprva pokaže kot prijazen, nesebičen devetletnik (igra ga Jake Lloyd). Skupaj z njegovo mamo sta sužnja ki služita Wattu, Toydarianskemu prekupčevalcu navlake. Anakinova posebnost ob tako zgodjem otroštvu je, da se nepojmljivo spozna na inženiring. Kljub mladim letom, je sposoben zgraditi in popraviti večinoma vse, kar se kaže v stvaritvi njegovega lastnega protokolarnega droida po imenu C-3PO, in švigača, oboje iz zavrženih in rabljenih delov. Je tudi izjemen pilot s hitrimi refleksi.

Na Tatooinu najde Anakina Jedjski Mojster Qui-Gon Jinn, ki je prepričan da je fant Izbrance, po Jedijski prerokbi, da bo prinesel ravnotežje v Silo. Njegova mati, Shmi, pravi da nima očeta in da je nekako čudežno postala takrat noseča. Qui-Gon odkrije, da ima Anakin največje poznano število midi-klorianov, po katerih se meri občutljivost Sile v samem človeku, in meni da je fant sam stvarjenje te Sile. Anakinov neverjetni talent pilotiranja pripisuje Sili, katera po njegovem dovoljuje Anakinu, da "vidi stvari preden se zgodijo." Anakin ustvari moćno vez z Kraljico Padmé Amidalo, katero Qui-Gon in njegov učenec, Obi-Wan Kenobi, branita.

Ko pribori Anakinu svobodo, Qui-Gon pripelje dečka na Coruscant in prosi Jedijski Svet, da mu dovoli da bi dečka učil. To prošnjo zavrnejo, kajti svét meni, da je Anikonva prihodnost zatemnjena s strahom in jezo, ki izvira iz suženjstva in ločitve od matere. Na koncu, Anakin pomaga pri zmagi v zadnji bitki proti Trgovski Federaciji vBitki za Naboo. Umirajoč Qui-Gon, zaboden v borbi proti strašnemu Sithu Darthu Maulu, prosi Obi-Wana, da bi treniral Anakina in Svét z oklevanjem to tudi sprejme. Palpatine, novo izvoljeni Republiški Vrhovni Kancler, se spoprijatelji z dečkom, obljubljajoč mu da "bodo spremljali njegovo karijero z velikim zanimanjem".

Napad Klonov

Najstnik Anakin Skywalker z Obi-Wan Kenobijem.

Deset let po tem ko si je prislužil svobodo, je 19 letni Anakin, katerega igra Hayden Christensen, zdaj mlad odrasel in Obi-Wanov učenec. Zaradi svojih naravnih sposobnostih, ki ga postavljajo krepko višje kot njegove vrstnike, je postal bolj samotar v vseh svojih letih jedijskega treninga. Njegovo razmerje z njegovim učitljem je precej komplicirano; čeprav pravi, da mu je Obi-Wan kot oče, je prepričan da ga njegov učitelj zavira, sam pa nasprotuje njegovi avtoriteti. Zafrustrinan, se obrne drugemu učitlju po nasvet: Palpatineu, kateri 'hrani' ego, že tako lomljivega mladega jedija, z zagotovili, da bo en dan postal največji Jedi v galaksiji.

Anakin dobi nalogo da varuje Padmé, ki ni več kraljica, ampak senatorka njenega domačega planeta, Nabooja. Njegova otroška začudenost je sedaj postala močna opojnost, in končno se zaljubita, kljub nenim oklevanjem; Jediji imajo prepoved do čustvenih navez, in tudi politični to načeloma odrekajo, v pomenu, da lahko nekdo postane močan in sposoben, premišljen vodja.

Med njenim varovanjem, Anakin začuti da je njegova mati v nevarnosti. Ko se vrne na Tatooine, najde Watta, svojega starega gospodarja. Watto ga usmeri do njenega novega možal, Cliegga Larsa, starega kmetovalca. Poročil in osvobodil je Shmi že pred večimi leti. Anakin spozna svojega polbrata Owena Larsa in njegovo dekle Beru. Owen Lars mu pove, da so njegovo mater ugrabili okoliški Tuskenci. Anakin najde Svojo mati v kampu Tuskencev, ampak prepozno, da bi ji lahko pomagal, nakar umre v njegovem naročju. Prevzet od neznatne jeze, pobije celotno pleme tuskencev, tudi ženske in otroke. Yoda in prestrežen del Qui-Gona čutita Anakinovo prisotnost Sile, kako gre proti temni strani in obstaja strah da je to začetek konca Obi-Wanovega mladega učenca. Padmé vsekakor muči, kar je naredil, ampak, ker je zaljubljena vanj, ni popolnoma zgrožena in namesto tega poskuša biti simpatetična do njega.

Anakin and Padmé zvesta da je bil Obi-Wan ujet kot talec od Geonosijskih droidnih sil, ki pripadajo Konfederaciji Neodvisnih Sistemov, tvorbi zvezdnih sistemov, ki se želijo odcepiti od Republike. Hitita mu na pomoč - kjer ju kmalu ujamejo. Soočena s tem kar ju čaka v gladiatorski arenu, si izrečeta ljubezen drug do drugega. Ob pobegu s pomočjo Jedijev in klonske vojske, se Anakin spopade s Separatističnim vodjo in nekdanjim 'padlim' jedijem Grofom Dookujem v bitki svetlobnih mečev, kjer pa ga zlahka, starejši in bolj izkušeni bojevnik zlahka premaga in mu pri tem odseka spodnji del njegove desne roke. Zamenjajo mu jo s kibernetično, nakar se nato potoči s Padmé na skrivnem obredu, kjer sta prisotna zraven še samo C-3PO in R2-D2, kot priča.

Padec na Temno stran

After having gone off to fight in the Clone Wars, Anakin and Obi-Wan return to Coruscant and board the Separatist flagship The Invisible Hand on a mission to rescue Palpatine from Count Dooku. In the ensuing battle, Dooku uses the dark side to choke and then fling Obi-Wan aside, forcing Anakin to face the Sith Lord alone. Following a short duel, Anakin outmaneuvers Dooku and neatly sears off both of the Sith Lord's hands. Palpatine then commands Anakin to behead the shocked Count. Anakin gives in to his anger and complies, but instantly regrets it, as killing a defenseless prisoner is not the Jedi way. Palpatine, however, reassures Anakin that Dooku "was too dangerous to be kept alive". After rescuing the Chancellor, Anakin finds that the flagship is in critical condition, and, with some help from Jedi Master Obi-Wan, barely manages to land it safely on an airstrip.

Back on Coruscant, Padmé tells him she is pregnant.Anakin then has horrible nightmares that Padmé might die in childbirth. He is consumed with emotions of fear and anger. Palpatine, still a close friend and mentor, makes Anakin his representative on the Jedi Council. The suspicious Council accepts Anakin, but denies him the rank of Jedi Master, and orders him to spy on Palpatine. Angered by the perceived snub and instructions to commit treason, Anakin loses all faith in the Council. Ultimately, the Chancellor offers him the chance to learn the dark side of the Force, which he claims holds the power to prevent death. Anakin realizes that Palpatine is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious that the Council had been hunting for since the beginning of the war, and reports Palpatine's secret to Jedi Master Mace Windu. As Windu goes to confront Palpatine, Anakin broods over an inescapable thought: without Palpatine, he will lose the chance to save his wife.

Slika:Vader march.jpg
Darth Vader marches on the Jedi Temple with the 501st Legion.

Anakin arrives to find Windu holding his lightsaber on a disarmed and seemingly helpless Palpatine. Windu declares the Dark Lord under arrest, but Palpatine defiantly unleashes a torrent of Force lightning at Windu. The Jedi Master deflects the lightning with his lightsaber, scarring and deforming Palpatine's face into a mask of wizened, wrinkled skin. The attack continues unabated until Palpatine suddenly tires, giving Windu a chance to strike a deathblow. Palpatine cowers, begging Anakin to save him. Anakin pleads with Windu to spare Palpatine's life; Windu refuses, saying that Palpatine is too dangerous to be kept alive. Windu then strikes at the Sith Lord, but Anakin intervenes, cutting off Windu's sword hand. As Windu screams in agony, Palpatine springs to life and hurls another torrent of lightning at the Jedi Master, electrocuting him and throwing him out the window to his death. Anakin then submits to the dark side and is renamed Darth Vader.

Vader's first task as a Sith Lord is to assault the Jedi Temple and to kill everyone inside. He does this without question, slaughtering venerable Jedi and children alike without mercy. Anakin is then sent to Mustafar to assassinate the Separatist leaders. After completing this task, he is met by Padmé, who pleads with him to flee Palpatine's grasp with her. He refuses, saying that the two of them can overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy together. Obi-Wan, who had hidden himself on Padmé's ship, suddenly emerges and confronts Vader. Suspecting betrayal and consumed by the hateful energies of the dark side, Vader uses the Force to choke Padmé, leaving her unconscious on the landing platform. The former partners and friends engage in a ferocious lightsaber duel throughout the mining complex. Eventually, Obi-Wan jumps onto solid ground, gaining the advantage, and pleads with Vader to surrender. Vader ignores him and tries to engage his former Master with a Force jump. Obi-Wan severs Vader's remaining limbs in midair, leaving him to die on the hot sands. As Vader tries to drag himself up the bank and away from the lava river, he suffers nearly fatal burns and extensive lung and throat damage from inhaling the superheated air. Miraculously, Vader manages to crawl up the bank away from the lava river and lingers on until rescued by Palpatine, who sensed Vader's impending defeat.

Once Vader regains consciousness, Palpatine tells him that Padmé is dead, killed by Vader's Force-choke (she had in fact died in childbirth after delivering healthy twins, Luke and Leia.) As Palpatine intended, this revelation breaks what remains of his apprentice's spirit, leaving him nothing but his service to his master and the Empire.

Although Vader remained a formidable warrior, his duel with Obi-Wan on Mustafar cost him a great deal of his power in the Force; Lucas has stated that his injuries rendered him only 80% as powerful as Palpatine.

As Vader

Darth Vader in A New Hope.

As chronicled in James Luceno's book Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader, Vader sheds his identity as Anakin Skywalker shortly after incurring his injuries on Mustafar; in the months afterward, he systematically pursues and kills the survivors of the Great Jedi Purge (save Obi-Wan and Yoda) and, in the process, fully embraces his new identity as a Sith Lord and disavows any connection to his former Jedi self.

Over the next 20 years, Vader evolves into a dark, terrifying figure within the Empire, a merciless executor of the Emperor's will infamous for using the dark side to choke people who displease him. Many of his own officers fall victim to this power, including Admiral Ozzel and Captain Needa in Empire Strikes Back. He serves as Palpatine's second-in-command, although his official power is limited somewhat by Palpatine's orders to serve under Grand Moff Tarkin. Upon Tarkin's death in the destruction of the first Death Star, he becomes the most powerful figure in the Empire next to the Emperor.

His former self is not completely destroyed, however; His contact with his son, Luke, reawakens something of a conscience within him, which ignites an internal conflict that is not resolved until the conclusion of Return of the Jedi.

Battling the Rebellion and his son

In 0 BBY, Vader is charged with recovering the stolen plans of the Death Star and finding the Rebel Alliance's secret base. He captures and tortures Princess Leia and, along with Tarkin, destroys her homeworld of Alderaan. Shortly afterward, he duels his former master, Obi-Wan, who has arrived at the Death Star to rescue Leia, and cuts him down, turning him into a spirit in the Force. He then encounters his son, Luke, during the Battle of Yavin, and senses in him a great strength in the Force — confirmed moments later when the boy destroys the battle station.

Over the next three years, Vader is obsessed with turning his son to the dark side, a quest Palpatine watches with great interest, as he plans to eventually replace Vader with Luke. Vader kidnaps Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO on the planet Bespin to lure Luke into a confrontation. Luke, who has been partially trained by Yoda, duels Vader, but is eventually defeated, losing his right hand to the Sith Lord's lightsaber. Vader then reveals his true identity as Luke's father and offers Luke the chance to overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy as father and son. Luke refuses, throwing himself into a deep shaft (fate intervenes, however, and he is spared.)


Six months later, Vader is charged with overseeing the completion of the second Death Star, with Moff Jerjerrod as his immediate subordinate. He meets with Palpatine onboard the half-constructed station to plan Luke's turn to the dark side.

Darth Vader escorting Luke Skywalker to Palpatine in an attempt to turn him to the dark side.

By this time, Luke has nearly completed his Jedi training, and has learned from a dying Yoda and Obi-wan that Vader is indeed his father and from the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he also learns that Leia is his sister. On a mission to the forest moon of Endor, he surrenders to Imperial troops and is brought to Vader. Aboard the Death Star, Luke resists the Emperor's appeals to his anger and fear for his friends, but snaps when Vader telepathically probes his mind, learns of Leia's existence, and threatens to turn her instead. Enraged, Luke nearly kills Vader, severing his father's right hand. He controls his anger at the last minute, however, as he looks at Vader's cybernetic hand and then at his own; he realizes that he is perilously close to suffering his father's fate.

As the Emperor approaches, encouraging Luke to kill Vader and take his place, Luke throws down his lightsaber, refusing to perform the killing blow. Seeing that the young Jedi is a lost cause, the Emperor attacks Luke with Force lightning. Luke writhes in agony under the Emperor's torture, begging his father for help. Unable to bear the sight of his son in pain, Anakin Skywalker re-emerges and turns on his master and throws him into a deep shaft, where he explodes in a fury of dark energies. However, Vader is mortally wounded in the process by the Emperor's lightning. By destroying both the Emperor and himself, he fulfills the prophecy and brings the Force into balance.

Anakin Skywalker v zadnjih trenutkih svojega življenja.

Moments from death, Anakin begs his son to take off his breath-mask so he could look at Luke "with his own eyes." Luke complies and for the first time, father and son look into each other's eyes. Freed from the mask that had caged his head for half his life, Anakin is a sad, withered man in his mid-forties, his skin ghostly pale from not having seen natural light for more than two decades. The ravages of time, injury and the dark side have prematurely aged him, and he appears many decades older than he truly is. Through sunken eyes, he looks up at his son and back at a lifetime of regret. In his dying breaths, Anakin Skywalker is redeemed, finally admitting to Luke that the good within him was not destroyed after all. Luke escapes with his father's body as the Death Star explodes, destroyed by the Rebel Alliance.

That night, Luke burns his father's Sith armor in the manner of a Jedi's funeral. During the victory celebration on the forest moon of Endor, Luke is able to see the redeemed spirit of Anakin Skywalker, standing once again with Obi-Wan and Yoda.

Power and potential

The fact that Anakin was born with the highest known midi-chlorian count in history and considered to be the chosen one leads to various conclusions about his Force potential and power. During his lifetime he did not achieve his full potential due to his tragic hero destiny. Before the fall to the Dark Side, although extremely young, Anakin was one of the most powerful living jedi, second to only Yoda. Had he not suffered the Mustafar injuries he would have become the most powerful person to ever live, more powerful than any other great Force-user such as Palpatine, Yoda and his son Luke Skywalker. However, after his death he became one with the Force therefore achieving his full potential. Obi-Wan Kenobi said to Darth Vader just before his death: "If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." If that is, in fact, true, the conclusion would be that when one unites with the Force he/she reaches the peak of his/her power.

Anakin Skywalker's spectre would continue to appear throughout the years. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, Anakin appeared before his daughter, Leia Organa, in Salis D'aar, the capital of Bakura.

Five years after the Battle of Yavin, when Qu Rahn was killed by Jerec, Rahn beheld the Force spirits of Anakin Skywalker and Halaged Ventor in his final moments.

In 30 ABY, during the Yuuzhan Vong War, Anakin Skywalker would speak to his grandson, Jacen Solo, telling him to "Stand firm!" before Jacen eventually defeated Onimi, the true ruler of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Opombe in reference

Sebastian Shaw, levo, kot originalni upodobitelj duha Anakina Skywalkerja.
Hayden Christensen, levo, kot duh Anakina Skywalkerja v prenovljeni DVD izdaji.

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