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Bojkot, dezinvesticije in sankcije

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Bojkot, dezinvesticije in sankcije
Demonstracije BDS pred Šolo za orientalske in afriške študije v Londonu aprila 2017
Nastanek9. julij 2005 (2005-07-09)[1]
UstanoviteljOmar Barghouti,[2] Ramy Shaat[3]
TipNeprofitna organizacija
Namenbojkot, politični aktivizem
General Coordinator
Mahmoud Nawajaa[4]
Glavni organ
Palestinian BDS National Committee[5]
Spletna stranbdsmovement.net

Bojkot, dezinvesticije in sankcije (angleško Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, kratica BDS) je nenasilno[2][6] gibanje pod palestinskim vodstvom,[7] ki spodbuja bojkot, dezinvesticije in gospodarske sankcije zoper Izrael. Njegov cilj je pritiskati na Izrael, da izpolni obveznosti, ki jih gibanje BDS opredeljuje kot obveznosti Izraela po mednarodnem pravu,[8] kot so umik z zasedenih ozemelj, odstranitev ločitvene pregrade na Zahodnem bregu, popolna enakost arabsko-palestinskih državljanov Izraela ter »spoštovanje, zaščita in spodbujanje pravic palestinskih beguncev, da se vrnejo na svoje domove in v svojo lastnino«.[9] Gibanje organizira in usklajuje Palestinski nacionalni odbor BDS.[10] BDS se zgleduje po gibanju proti apartheidu.[11] Podporniki BDS ga vidijo kot gibanje za človekove pravice[12] in primerjajo stisko Palestincev s stisko temnopoltih Južnoafričanov v času apartheida.[13] Protesti in konference v podporo gibanju so potekali v več državah. Njegova maskota, ki je v logotipu, je Handala, simbol palestinske identitete in »pravice do vrnitve«.[14]

Nekateri kritiki gibanju BDS očitajo antisemitizem,[15][16][17] kar pa gibanje zanika in ga označuje za poskus izenačenja antisemitizma in antisionizma. Izraelski lobi v Združenih državah Amerike je nasprotovanje gibanju BDS uvrstil med svoje najpomembnejše prednostne naloge.[18] Od leta 2015 je izraelska vlada porabila več milijonov dolarjev za promocijo stališča, da je BDS antisemitsko, in za pravno prepoved BDS v tujih državah.[19] Več držav in večina ameriških zveznih držav je sprejela zakone proti BDS.


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  1. Ananth 2013, str. 129.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Thrall 2018.
  3. »Palestinian civil society calls on Egyptian authorities to immediately release activist Ramy Shaath«. BDS Movement. 2. oktober 2019. Arhivirano iz spletišča dne 20. septembra 2020. Pridobljeno 29. julija 2020.
  4. Jackson, Llewellyn & Leonard 2020, str. 169.
  5. Barghouti 2011, str. 61.
  6. »US Supreme Court will not hear challenge to Arkansas anti-BDS law«. Middle East Eye. Washington. 21. februar 2023. Pridobljeno 12. januarja 2024.
  7. The Times of Israel 2019: "The Strategic Affairs Ministry said the Palestinian-led movement that promotes boycotts against Israel is behind the effort."; Holmes 2019: "The event has become a target for the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign."; Trew 2019: "... by activists spearheaded by the Palestinian-led campaign Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)."
  8. Tripp 2013, str. 125: "... the BDS organized urged 'various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law.'"
  9. Tripp 2013, str. 125.
  10. Bueckert 2020, str. 203.
  11. Hanssen & Ghazal 2020, str. 693: "The Palestinian boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign (BDS) modeled on the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa."; Lamarche 2019, str. 309.
  12. Feldman, David (2018). »Boycotts: From the American Revolution to BDS«. V Feldman, David (ur.). Boycotts Past and Present: From the American Revolution to the Campaign to Boycott Israel. Springer. str. 1–19. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-94872-0_1. ISBN 9783319948720. S2CID 158375013. Most supporters of BDS cast their movement as the latest iteration of a boycott conducted in the cause of human rights and in opposition to racialised inequalities. ... In stark contrast, several of the movement's opponents denounce it as the most recent manifestation of antisemitism.
  13. Barghouti 2011, str. 12; Jones 2018, str. 199: "This chapter argues that it is also true of the BDS movement's use of the South African analogy, ... ."
  14. Fayeq 2009: "On the walls of occupied Palestine, in protests and demonstrations all over the world, Handala has become a symbol of Palestinian struggle and resistance. He is a representative of the refugees and their right of return to their homeland."
  15. Goldstein 2021.
  16. Arnold 2018, str. 228: "... for example, the 'Simon Wiesenthal Center' entitled one of its information brochures 'BDS: An Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Pill.'"; Arnold 2018, str. 228: "Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ... stated that '[a]ttempts to boycott, divest and sanction Israel, ... , are simply the latest chapter in the long and dark history of anti-Semitism. ... '."; Fishman 2012, str. 412: "... the meaning of the BDS message is of intransigence. ... its message combines anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism."
  17. Harawi 2020, str. 184: "Alan Dershowitz argues that the BDS movement has its roots in the Nazi boycott of Jewish establishments in the 1930s."; Nasr & Alkousaa 2019: "The motion said a BDS campaign calling for Israeli products to be labeled with 'Don't Buy' stickers was reminiscent of the Nazi-era boycott of Jewish businesses."; Mendes 2014, str. 89: "Julius (2010) argues that the boycott campaign has a nasty historical resonance given the earlier Nazi boycott of Jews in Germany."
  18. Pink 2020.
  19. White 2020.

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