Atentat na Abrahama Lincolna
Atentat na Abrahama Lincolna | |
![]() John Wilkes Booth tik preden ustreli predsednika Lincolna. Ilustracija iz leta 1865. | |
Lokacija | Fordovo gledališče, Washington D.C., ZDA |
Datum | 14. april 1865 22:15 |
Poškodovanih | 8 |
Žrtve | 2 |
Storilci | John Wilkes Booth in še trije njegovi zarotniki. |
14. aprila 1865 je Abrahama Lincolna, 16. predsednika Združenih držav Amerike, med obiskom predstave Naš ameriški bratranec v Fordovem gledališču v Washingtonu, D.C. ustrelil in smrtno ranil John Wilkes Booth[1] Lincoln je bil zadet v tilnik in je zaradi poškodb umrl naslednji dan ob 7:22 zjutraj v Petersenovi hiši nasproti gledališča. Bil je prvi predsednik ZDA, ki je bil ubit v atentatu.[2] Njegov pogreb je zaznamovalo dolgotrajno državno žalovanje.[3][4][5]
Proti koncu ameriške državljanske vojne je bil Lincolnov atentat del večje politične zarote, s katero je Booth nameraval pomagati Konfederaciji z odstranitvijo treh najpomembnejših politikov zvezne vlade.[6][7] Zarotnikoma Lewisu Powellu in Davidu Heroldu je bilo naročeno, naj ubijeta državnega sekretarja Williama H. Sewarda, George Atzerodt pa je bil zadolžen za umor podpredsednika Andrewa Johnsona.
Po Lincolnovi smrti je načrt propadel: Seward je bil le ranjen, Atzerodt pa se je napil namesto da bi ubil podpredsednika. Po dramatičnem začetnem pobegu je bil Booth ubit na koncu dvanajstdnevnega zasledovanja, ko so ga našli na kmetiji v Virginiji.[8][9] Powell, Herold, Atzerodt in Mary Surratt so bili kasneje zaradi njihovega sodelovanja v zaroti obsojeni na smrtno kazen.
[uredi | uredi kodo]- ↑ »Abraham Lincoln«. History. AETN UK. Pridobljeno 16. februarja 2014.
- ↑ Swanson, James (2006). Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer. Harper Collins. ISBN 9780060518493.
- ↑ Goodrich, Thomas (2006). The Darkest Dawn: Lincoln, Booth, and the Great American Tragedy. Indiana University Press. str. 96. ISBN 9780253218896.
- ↑ »1865 April 29: The National Calamity—Further Details of the Assassination«. 29. april 2015.
A moment before the attack was made, the President was leaning forward, resting his head on his hand, in his accustomed careless way, his eyes bent upon the stage, and enjoying a hearty laugh.
- ↑ »Beatrice resident saw Lincoln shot«.
I noticed that Mr. Lincoln was laughing at something in the play. Just then I noticed the curtain in the rear of Mr. Lincoln's box pulled apart and I looked squarely at the man as he came in. At first I thought he was one of the theater attendants bringing in a glass of water and decanter, for something shone in each of his hands. Just then a shot rang out.
- ↑ Hay, John (1915). The Life and Letters of John Hay Volume 1 (quote's original source is Hay's diary which is quoted in "Abraham Lincoln: A History", Volume 10, Page 292 by John G. Nicolay and John Hay). Houghton Mifflin Company.
- ↑ »OUR GREAT LOSS; The Assassination of President Lincoln.DETAILS OF THE FEARFUL CRIME.Closing Moments and Death of the President.Probable Recovery of Secretary Seward. Rumors of the Arrest of the Assassins.The Funeral of President Lincoln to Take Place Next Wednesday.Expressions of Deep Sorrow Through-out the Land. OFFICIAL DISPATCHES. THE ASSASSINATION. Further Details of the Murder Narrow Recape of Secretary Stanton Measures Taken is Prevent the Escape of the Assassin of the President. LAST MOMENTS OF THE PRESIDENT. Interesting Letter from Maunsell B. Field Esq. THE GREAT CALAMITY«. The New York Times. 17. april 1865. ISSN 0362-4331. Pridobljeno 12. aprila 2016.
- ↑ Steers, p. 153.
- ↑ Donald (1996), p. 599.