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Albanski narodni ples iz Civite v Kalabriji v Italiji

Albanologija je interdisciplinarna veja humanistike, ki obravnava jezik, nošo, literaturo, umetnost, kulturo in zgodovino Albancev. Albanologija uporablja znanstvene metode literature, jezikoslovja, arheologije, zgodovine in kulture. Vendar pa je v središču raziskovanja še vedno albanski jezik .


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Avstrijski Theodor Ippen v Skadru v tradicionalni noši. (1900)

Johann Erich Thunmann (18. stoletje) je bil najverjetneje prvi albanolog. Podprl je teorijo avtohtonosti Albancev[1]. Predstavil je tudi ilirsko teorijo o izvoru.[2][3] Kasneje je Gustav Meyer dokazal, da je albanski jezik del indoevropske družine.[4]

V 20. stoletju so tovrstne študije še poglobili Norbert Jokl, Milan Šufflay in Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás, Karl Reinhold in Eqrem Çabej.

Študije albanologije so institucionalno podprli v Albaniji v 1940ih z odprtjem Kraljevega inštituta za albanske študije, ki ga je leta 1972 nasledila Akademija znanosti Albanije. Medtem so v 1960ih na Kosovu, takrat še del Jugoslavije, prenovili tudi Inštitut za albanologijo v Prištini.[5] Inštitut je nastal iz njegovega jedra, ustanovljenega leta 1953.[6]

Ugledni albanologi

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  1. Elsie, Robert (19. marec 2010). Historical Dictionary of Albania. Scarecrow Press. str. 159. ISBN 978-0-8108-7380-3. Johann Erich Thunmann (1746–1778) of the University of Halle first disseminated the theory of the autochthony of the Albanians
  2. Schwandner-Sievers, Stephanie; Fischer, Bernd Jürgen (2002). Albanian Identities: Myth and History. Indiana University Press. str. 75. ISBN 0-253-34189-2. Although the first major exposition of the Illyrian theory, published by the German scholar Johann Thunmann in 1774...
  3. Stipčević, Aleksandar (1977). The Illyrians: history and culture. Noyes Press. str. 73. ISBN 978-0-8155-5052-5. The first one who clearly formulated the thesis of the Illyrian origin of the Albanians, was the German historian Johannes Thunmann in the eighteenth century.
  4. Philip Baldi (1983). An Introduction to the Indo-European Languages. SIU Press. str. 87–88. ISBN 978-0-8093-1091-3. In fact, Albanian was not established definitively Indo-European until the latter part of the nineteenth century, when certain structural and lexical correspondences that demonstrated the Indo-European character of the language were noted (especially by Gustav Meyer)
  5. Spiro J. Shetuni (2011). Albanian Traditional Music: An Introduction, with Sheet Music and Lyrics for 48 Songs. McFarland. str. 17. ISBN 978-0-7864-8630-4. In the 1960s, the Albanology Institute of Prishtinë was founded in Kosovo.
  6. Robert Elsie (15. november 2010). Historical Dictionary of Kosovo. Scarecrow Press. str. 26. ISBN 978-0-8108-7483-1. The core of the present Albanological Institute was founded on 1 June 1953 with four staff members: Ilhami Nimani, Selman Riza,

Zunanje povezave

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