Pogovor:Operacija Zavezniška sila

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nije dokazan genocid nad Albancima.-- 14:10, 11 marec 2006 (CET)

SPORNO[uredi kodo]

Oštro osporavam neutralnost ovog članka! Smatram da je tendenciozno reći da je NATO prisilio SRJ da prekine genocid nad Albancima, jer se time implicira da je bilo genocida, što je u najmanju ruku vrlo problematično (i vrlo je lako dokazati da je potpuno netačno). Ono što bi eventualno moglo da stoji jeste da je NATO kao povod/izgovor za operaciju koristio optužbu za genocid. Međutim, i ovo je problematično, jer koliko ja znam, takve optužbe nisu iznošene... bar ne kao standardna terminologija u medijskoj pripremi za rat (to se u vojnim naukama zove dehumanizacija neprijatelja). Mislim da je termin koji je najčešće bio u upotrebi, represija, što teško da je isto što i genocid. -- Obradović Goran (pogovor) 04:18, 11 april 2006 (CEST)

I strongly dispute the neutrality of this article! I consider it to be tendentious to say that NATO forced FRY to stop the genocide over Albanians, since by that you imply that there was a genocide, which is to say the least problematic (and it is very easy to prove that it is completely false). What article eventually could state is that NATO used the accusation for genocide as a motive/pretense for the operation. However, even this is problematic, since, as far as I know, that kind of accusation was not pointed... at least not in the standard terminology during the media preparations for the war (in military sciences it is called the dehumanisation of the enemy). I think that the most used term was repression, which is hardly the same as genocide. -- Obradović Goran (pogovor) 04:18, 11 april 2006 (CEST)

Res. Besedo "genocid" sem zamenjal z oznako "represija" in umaknil oznako "sporno". --romanm (pogovor) 08:52, 11 april 2006 (CEST)